Aggressive Active Curve Speed Control?


New Member
Feb 18, 2023
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Anybody else experience very aggressive Active Curve Speed Control? I'm assuming this new feature is what is causing my problems because it did not happen before the update that introduced this feature. I can be happily cruising at 70mph on Highway Assist in moderate to heavy traffic when all of the sudden the car slows down quite a bit for no apparent reason except perhaps a slight curve in the road. Other cars behind me get very aggravated because they are not looking to slow down, and in fact at times I feel it is even a bit unsafe for Highway Assist to suddenly slow down when in the left lane. Seems like a good feature but needs to be tuned.
Anybody else experience very aggressive Active Curve Speed Control? I'm assuming this new feature is what is causing my problems because it did not happen before the update that introduced this feature. I can be happily cruising at 70mph on Highway Assist in moderate to heavy traffic when all of the sudden the car slows down quite a bit for no apparent reason except perhaps a slight curve in the road. Other cars behind me get very aggravated because they are not looking to slow down, and in fact at times I feel it is even a bit unsafe for Highway Assist to suddenly slow down when in the left lane. Seems like a good feature but needs to be tuned.
This seems to be happening to a few people for sure. I’ve noticed it a few times, where I thought it slowed down more than it needed to.

The feature was designed to slow down a bit on sharp curves in order to keep the lock on the lane. But if it’s slowing down too much or very often, I’d email customer care about it. They may not be aware this is happening to some people.
This seems to be happening to a few people for sure. I’ve noticed it a few times, where I thought it slowed down more than it needed to.

The feature was designed to slow down a bit on sharp curves in order to keep the lock on the lane. But if it’s slowing down too much or very often, I’d email customer care about it. They may not be aware this is happening to some people.
Definitely mention it to CS. My experience has been that it’s slowed down 1-3mph, never more than that, and it is completely seamless - I have to be staring at the speedo to feel it when it does it.

But I know @SaratogaLefty had a very different experience, where it was aggressively stopped by 5mph or more, so you’re not alone.

There is likely some difference between our cars, and likely something they can improve. But since I don’t have the problem, I can’t report it. :)
I need to take it out and try it some more on the curves on Highway 17 and see if it keeps slowing down too much. Drivers move pretty fast on that road and people tend to tail gate so the aggressive slowing down that I experienced there can be dangerous. Essentially it felt as if I was driving without ACC and lifted off the accelerator and the High Regen kicked in. Fortunately I was quick and accelerated to overcome the ACC curve slowdown. Then I just shut the ACC off.
I found this post before starting my own because it happens all the time to me as well. Started happening around the time of OP's original post. Can easily be 5 mph and it's on curves I wouldn't expect a semi or RV to even slow down. Way. Too. Aggressive. I'll usually override it by pressing on the accelerator so I'm not screwing up other cars around me.

I'll mention it to CS.