Audio stops working

Lately my audio stops working and I have to reset the car on order for it to work... very frustration
I also had sound cutting out in my Lucid. I realized that whatever sound was playing from the car speakers would cut out when I would pick up my iPhone. Once my phone lit up (still locked), the sound would cut out, but the music continued to play (I could see the timer still going). While it was annoying, I disconnected CarPlay and that solved the issue insofar as holding my phone doesn't cause the sound to cut out. It appears to be the car reacting to the phone becoming active and prioritizing the phone as an output. I don't recall this being an issue a month ago.
I continue to have this issue on my 2025 AT. I have a service call for various audio issues ranging from no sound from any sources (including blinkers), some speakers not turning on (left only or right only), no sound from SXM but radio/BT work (or other versions of this). This used to happen while driving until the Nov update, but now it happens randomly when the car starts. I don't realize the problem until I'm already driving and a reboot solves the problem (or turn off the car and turn it back on...).

Hopefully service can figure out what's going on with my car's random audio issues. I made the mistake of not keeping a log of the instances over the last 6 weeks.
Happening more often. Having to air logo reset at least 1x per week. Can't wait for the big update coming- then at least resets will seem productive.
Hello everyone,
Recent convert to Lucid, after 11 years in a Model S. Super impressed so far, absolutely love it, compared to both my old MS and the newest MS.

However, I am incredibly frustrated with the audio player sound output. For no apparent reason the audio will stop working. As in, no sounds from the speakers. I see the media player is playing the audio, (E.g. Spotify). It’s not clear reproducible pattern that leads to that condition, (at least not one that I can see). When the media audio cuts out, all other sounds from the core car sub systems seem to be working. As in the turn signals sound or the audio produced when pressing various buttons in the UI.

1. When this occurs, it affects all media sources. AppleCar play, Spotify, radio etc.
2. The volume controls show that the volume is turned on.
3. I have inspected the audio setting, in the systems menu where you can see the volume controls for the various components of the car. It’s turned up there as well.
4. All other sources producing audio, like the system sounds, navigation etc. will produce sound.
5. It seems to restore volume/sound once the car has been unused for some period of time

This seems like a software bug, one that doesn’t have a proper conditional exit in one of the subsystems. Some sort of reset (or restart) is likely happening when I start using the car again.

Does anyone have any workarounds for this? E.g. On my Model S, I could do a soft reset on the media control unit (while driving, press and hold the scroll buttons on the steering wheel) that would keep the instrument cluster controls working, while the center MCU restarted.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Yup. Happened to me today. Exactly the same conditions you described. Frustrated.
I have had this issue a number of times where all sound stops including FM radio and both Car Play inputs as well as the Lucid inputs. Funny.. once the wife was with me and I got no sound so I say "See, there it is again!" She reaches over and turns up the volume and we got sound. Oops. But subsequent to that event, I always check the volume and no joy.
I picked up my new 2025 Turing 2 weeks ago after owning a Tesla Model S for the last 7 years. The car drives great but I too am having an issue with the audio systems. Over the last 2 weeks the audio sound has cut off for no apparent reason 4 times and last night it would play for 10-15 seconds and then stop again. This happened on all media sources, FM, XM, Tidal, Car Play. After going to dinner, I thought the car would reset itself but it did the same thing again. The weird part was it had worked all day before that without issue. The only thing I could figure out was since my wife was with me on the dinner run maybe her phone BT was the problem. When she got out of the car I tried to reset it again and this time closed my phones car play and blue tooth. Everything started working again except Tidal. At that time I could not get it to work at all. I have not tried it yet this morning. As I was reading these threads last night I saw there was to be an update in November to solve this. I’m guessing that has not happened. Does any one have any solutions or work around to solve this issue? Any help is appreciated! I love the car but am a little frustrated with the software issues! Please advise!
I continue to have the problem. No sound from any audio input but if I touch and icon on any screen, I get sound for 1 second then silence. Each time I touch a screen, I get 1 second of audio. Doesn't need to be an audio icon, it can be any icon including heat seater, change screens, etc. After parking and restarting car, it usually goes back to operating normally.
I continue to have the problem. No sound from any audio input but if I touch and icon on any screen, I get sound for 1 second then silence. Each time I touch a screen, I get 1 second of audio. Doesn't need to be an audio icon, it can be any icon including heat seater, change screens, etc. After parking and restarting car, it usually goes back to operating normally.
Having the exact same issue!
Anybody with 2.6 update know if it's been resolved? It's quite irritating and seriously affects the WAF (wife approval factor).
Anybody with 2.6 update know if it's been resolved? It's quite irritating and seriously affects the WAF (wife approval factor).
I have 2.6 and can confirm it did not fix it.
I have this issue as well. Closest I've come to be able to reproduce and "fix" it has been to turn off Calls option in my phone's Bluetooth connection to car if the audio isnt working. Seems to re-enable the car audio. Not a great workaround but thought it was random previously.

I just started having this issue! Sirius , Phone calls and Spotify all cut in and out. Anyone have a fix ?