Android Auto Thursday

Although I have no skin in the game, I’m wondering why AA is so much more difficult to implement than CarPlay. Or maybe Lucid just had it as a much lower priority due to iPhones being dominant in the US?
They are dominant since the market share is above 50%. That's a far cry from expecting a smartphone owner to have an iPhone.
They are dominant since the market share is above 50%. That's a far cry from expecting a smartphone owner to have an iPhone.
We've discussed this many times. But there's a big difference between market share overall in the US and marketshare amongst Lucid buyers. Only Lucid knows how many of their buyers are iPhone users, but given preference in higher income brackets, it's safe to assume Lucid owners are much higher than the 50% or so overall.

Still, I don't think this is the main factor behind the delay of Android Auto. WIth most things Lucid-software related, it comes down to having a small team and a ton of things to do. We can argue with their choice of priorities, but they do need to make those choices.
Although I have no skin in the game, I’m wondering why AA is so much more difficult to implement than CarPlay. Or maybe Lucid just had it as a much lower priority due to iPhones being dominant in the US?
I bit the bullet and bought that Garmin hookup thing. It's been awesome so far and like that I can watch Netflix or YouTube while I charge