Alexa Behaving Badly


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Mar 7, 2020
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Naples, FL
Model S Plaid, Odyssey
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There seem to be so many problems with Alexa in the Air that I thought it might be helpful to capture the issues on a dedicated thread. Since Lucid personnel try to follow this forum, it might help them get a better handle of what owners are experiencing with this control system.

I'll start with my list:

Alexa almost never places a cell phone call properly. Even when I'm in an area where my cell phone is displaying full signal bars and I verify that the phone is linked to the car, I get messages such as:

- Something is wrong.
- Alexa calling is not supported on this device.
- Alexa cannot perform the function requested.
- That name is not in the contact list.
- No phone is connected to the car.

Every time I have encountered one of these responses, and I have instead placed the call successfully using the "Hey, Siri" hands-free feature on my iPhone (and the audio comes through the car system, verifying that the phone is connected to the car).

Alexa is very erratic in controlling music streaming. When requesting music I sometimes get one of the three above responses. Sometimes Alexa stays silent. Sometimes Alexa starts playing a selection and then the song freezes. I know I am still receiving a cell signal, as Alexa will often restart the song when I request it again. And then it will freeze again. Sometimes the song advance feature will not work, either by voice command, by pressing the button on the steering wheel, or by hitting the icon on the Glass Cockpit display.

Alexa is very erratic in identifying navigation requests. Sometimes when I say "Alexa, navigate to home", it will do so. The next time it will tell me to enter the specific address. Sometimes when I do that, it says it cannot find the address. Then the next time, it will accept "navigate to home" with no problem. Sometimes I will get one of the first three responses listed above. One time I was trying to get Alexa to accept an address. and four times it asked, "do you mean Buena Vista?" The address did not have a phrase in it that sounded remotely like Buena Vista.
It's interesting it struggles because it is well established among several auto OEMs. I rented a BMW in Florida over the holidays and it worked perfectly in that car.

It could be that the other software issues my car has had has affected Alexa's operation. However, the Customer Care center did tell me that they have a team dedicated to working on Alexa problems, as so many have been reported.

The only other comparison I can make is to the voice-activated operations of our 2021 Tesla Model S Plaid. Although it will occasionally misinterpret a command, it is a considerable improvement over our 2015 Model S and works seamlessly the great majority of the time . . . and it did not require the training to my voice that the Alexa app requires. It operates Spotify with no problem and almost never fails to capture a navigation address properly.
It's interesting it struggles because it is well established among several auto OEMs. I rented a BMW in Florida over the holidays and it worked perfectly in that car.

I've got a 2021 e-Tron Sportback and there is no Alexa integration. Maybe Audi came to their senses and did away with it with the implementation of wireless CarPlay & Android Auto. I see no real need for Alexa when wireless CarPlay is available.
I'm baffled why there is so much "integration" in an automobile period. These items should work in the car but not be "part of the car." I should be able to enjoy the car just as much using its own proprietary software as Alexa, Siri, CarPlay, Android Auto etc. Ha, Rand McNally is still in business... How do we know they are not getting data???
Just took the car out for today's test of software.

I tried to get Alexa to plot a course to four different addresses with the nav system, both local and out-of-state addresses. I got an all-new response to each request: "I cannot handle that request."

I drove a while longer and asked, "Alexa, navigate to home", and the route map came right up.

I also had the music start every time I asked but seize up on me after a few minutes each time, no matter what I had requested or how strong the cell phone signals were. Each time I had to request music again. Fifteen minutes is about as long as I've been able to get uninterrupted music in the car except for the first night I had the car and played music in my garage via the WiFi connection.

I also never see a cell phone signal strength of more than 1 bar displayed in the Glass Cockpit, although the mobile phone(s) in the car show stronger signals. I still think my car is impaired somehow in receiving a cell phone signal.

Total crap shoot with this system.
Sounds like your cell reception in the car I'd abysmally bad and that's why you are having issues. I ran through all the stuff you posted about earlier with no issue. My cell reception was always 2 bars or more the whole time.

I tried music through both spotify and tidal and both worked with no issue.

Navigation worked to 3 different locations with no issue as well.
Ok, what happens when you turn your cell phone completely off? Any improvements?
Hmp, you are famous or should I say infamous at Lucid HQ! Just kidding, but when the service guys came to pick up my vehicle today, I mentioned you in passing and the service manager mentioned the issues you were having with your vehicle was the topic of one of their recent meetings with the engineering team at Lucid HQ. Safe to say, these forums are closely being monitored for feedback, so keep it constructive and positive! Lucid is listening to us!
Part of the problem with Alexa is not the car integration, but the general voice recognition and database intelligence. For example, Tesla uses Goggle voice recognition and lookup for their Navigation. It’s much more accurate and usable than Alexa.
Echoing the Alexa issues. Most painful is not being able to place a call hands free which to me is a safety issue. I consistently get... "Alexa calling is not enabled on this device." Has anyone gotten an update on that one?
Echoing the Alexa issues. Most painful is not being able to place a call hands free which to me is a safety issue. I consistently get... "Alexa calling is not enabled on this device." Has anyone gotten an update on that one?
If you have an iPhone you can just ask Siri to place the call.
Alexa has completely frozen up. After receiving the Sirius software update from Lucid, Alexa lights up as if it is working, but then does not do the command and freezes with the blue Alexa light still lit. It stays lit until the car goes to sleep.