Air Conditioning not cooling the car enough


Mar 13, 2023
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Around ~70 degrees outside. Set air con to lowest temp possible (59) and max level (10). The car doesn't really get that cool. Anyone else having this?
There is a bug where the HVAC will start by venting air at the front defrosters (windshield) even though the UI shows only front vents enabled. You have to cycle through all the vent settings to get the air to come from the front only. Hopefully this will be fixed soon
There is a bug where the HVAC will start by venting air at the front defrosters (windshield) even though the UI shows only front vents enabled. You have to cycle through all the vent settings to get the air to come from the front only. Hopefully this will be fixed soon
Not really sure this is a bug, or not. If I remember correctly, there was some talk early on about the cabin not cooling down quick enough related to a hot glass canopy. I thought the solution was to direct some airflow across the canopy to get it to cool a bit quicker.

Or, I might be totally mistaken and wrong...
There is a bug where the HVAC will start by venting air at the front defrosters (windshield) even though the UI shows only front vents enabled. You have to cycle through all the vent settings to get the air to come from the front only. Hopefully this will be fixed soon
I too felt that the fan was making lot of noise and not blowing much air through the front vent today. I will try different vents manually.
Not really sure this is a bug, or not. If I remember correctly, there was some talk early on about the cabin not cooling down quick enough related to a hot glass canopy. I thought the solution was to direct some airflow across the canopy to get it to cool a bit quicker.

Or, I might be totally mistaken and wrong...
I have a metal roof
I have a metal roof
Yes, but it could be a software thing that isn’t differentiated by roof type. Not really sure, but would not surprise me.
Thoughts on air conditioning..
The Lucid Air ac is weaker than my other car our Model Y which means at least for me an Arizona person gets very hot here we had to tint the whole car including the winshield. Lucid doesn’t have cabin over heat protection so using the app to precool is a must! The model Y AC has much more cool air that blows directly in your face and I feel with lesser tint only 35% on it cools down much quicker than our fully tinted Lucid. The ac is manageable with tint on Lucid but I can confidently say it’s much better in model Y.
This is a place for hot climates I think Lucid should improve in.

I too felt that the fan was making lot of noise and not blowing much air through the front vent today. I will try different vents manually.
From you posts I know that you mention heat a few times how are you doing in the summer heat ?
After 6 months of owning my GT and summer arriving here in Tucson, AZ, I have to wonder why a car manufactured in Casa Grande, AZ does not have HVAC down pat. When we can average over 50-75 days each summer over 100 degrees, HVAC should be a prime item. I am loving the car though and remembering all the youthful days I never even used the HVAC system.
After 6 months of owning my GT and summer arriving here in Tucson, AZ, I have to wonder why a car manufactured in Casa Grande, AZ does not have HVAC down pat. When we can average over 50-75 days each summer over 100 degrees, HVAC should be a prime item. I am loving the car though and remembering all the youthful days I never even used the HVAC system.
Do you have much tint ?
From you posts I know that you mention heat a few times how are you doing in the summer heat ?
So far, I had no heat issue at all. No idea what you are asking.
Great to hear I thought you had some uv issue
That has nothing to do with the car. My skin is sensitive to UV. Apparently the glass in Lucid blocks UV. I had a loaner GT and I can say for sure that the AC had to work harder in GT than Pure AWD without a glass roof on a hot day. I will do a long distance drive coast to coast and report find I find.
Do you have much tint ?
35% on roof but nothing on windshield. May change if heat becomes a real problem for us. I am still wish that it was a more robust HVAC system for a car at this price point.
Maybe a better blower but the one they have in the car now is noisy as hell it doesn't really push much air at least not for me in Florida
Around ~70 degrees outside. Set air con to lowest temp possible (59) and max level (10). The car doesn't really get that cool. Anyone else having this?
The A/C is marginal at best and the fan is very noisy when turned to a higher setting.
Again, anyone having issues or experiencing inadequate air coming from the front vents, there is a known bug where you need to cycle through the zones.
Again, anyone having issues or experiencing inadequate air coming from the front vents, there is a known bug where you need to cycle through the zones.
Even after cycling and engaging the rear blowers the car is subpar as far as cooling is concerned all the opening and closing and fiddling if it's 90 plus degrees outside the car is a oven and the blower is always on at 10 noisy as hell and if they're telling us that we need to push this button and do this and do that why don't they just give us a Max cool button....
Again, anyone having issues or experiencing inadequate air coming from the front vents, there is a known bug where you need to cycle through the zones.
Is this documented somewhere sorry it’s first I am hearing known issue with AC and does it affect all owners? I actually have no clue only been owner for 4 weeks or so apppolgies
Even after cycling and engaging the rear blowers the car is subpar as far as cooling is concerned all the opening and closing and fiddling if it's 90 plus degrees outside the car is a oven and the blower is always on at 10 noisy as hell and if they're telling us that we need to push this button and do this and do that why don't they just give us a Max cool button....
Agree give us max cool 😎