Outside temperature display


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Mar 3, 2024
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Calgary Alberta
Lucid Air Touring
Is anyone else noticing the outside temp is really slow to adapt to outside temps?

I live in Canada and we are averaging -18c daytime and maybe -20c at night. Last night I pulled out of a heated garage and the display read 20c. After 10 minutes of driving, it still showed 20c. I didn't keep watching it, but around 15 minutes after leaving home, it showed -6c, then quickly got to -19 which was probably accurate.
It is slow and at least in my case tends to read a bit high.
I think it just stays on whatever you start with for a few hours. The last time we drove to Phoenix, it said 80 when we left my house, which was close to accurate. But it didn't change all day. Even after driving around at 100+ degrees for hours, it still said 80. So I don't pay too much attention to it.
Mine is approx 4 degrees high all the time. I've gotten used to it.
Why do we care so much about the precision of the outdoor temperature sensor when we're in the car? When we're either enjoying the inside temperature, or have the windows down and can feel it with the crappy old temperature sensors built into our nervous system?

Why do we care so much about the precision of the outdoor temperature sensor when we're in the car? When we're either enjoying the inside temperature, or have the windows down and can feel it with the crappy old temperature sensors built into our nervous system?

What else are you going to complain about on a Monday?
Why do we care so much about the precision of the outdoor temperature sensor when we're in the car? When we're either enjoying the inside temperature, or have the windows down and can feel it with the crappy old temperature sensors built into our nervous system?

My assumption is that the car is adjusting cooling/heating based on the cabin temp, the desired temp and the outside temp. I also suspect it comes in to the Battery management System and possibly when calculating range.
My assumption is that the car is adjusting cooling/heating based on the cabin temp, the desired temp and the outside temp. I also suspect it comes in to the Battery management System
I doubt either of these things are true.
Why use anything but the cabin temp to determine how much the cabin temp needs to change to reach target?
The battery pack also has its own temperature sensors, it doesn't need to care what the temperature outside is anymore than you do.
possibly when calculating range.
This one is probably true to a degree. But that's like crying over a Rube Goldberg machine that looks like it might be set up to spill milk. At least wait until the milk spills. If the range prediction is reasonably accurate (and I think it is), then let's not complain about something that might make it unreasonably inaccurate, but that hasn't.