2.2.10 is a higher version than 2.2.2

What I don't understand is why the software version on my DE went from 2.2.02 (or 2.2.2) to 2.2.10. My thought when I saw that change on my Lucid was what happenned to 2.2.03, 2.2.04, ... 2.2.09? Said another way, why was the newest release, especially if minor, not called 2.2.03? (or 2.2.3 as some have indicated)
What I don't understand is why the software version on my DE went from 2.2.02 (or 2.2.2) to 2.2.10. My thought when I saw that change on my Lucid was what happenned to 2.2.03, 2.2.04, ... 2.2.09? Said another way, why was the newest release, especially if minor, not called 2.2.03? (or 2.2.3 as some have indicated)
Each of the numerals should be considered as a separate number, not a decimal expression. The first number is usually for major version changes, the second number is for minor, and the third number is usually for incremental improvements. This is the way it is typically done by all software companies.

Sometimes there are internal builds that are rejected and then incremented by the next number to keep things orderly. The release is the one that is deemed to be ready. This is my number seem to be skipped from time to time. Also typical of most software companies.
Each of the numerals should be considered as a separate number, not a decimal expression. The first number is usually for major version changes, the second number is for minor, and the third number is usually for incremental improvements. This is the way it is typically done by all software companies.
This is the way. I never really understood people who thought of version numbers as decimals.

2.2.02 makes perfect sense to me... but that doesn't mean that 2.2.2 is confusing either. Just think of it this way: 2 is smaller than 10 (2.2.10). Therefore, 2.2.2 is before 2.2.10. Do not think of it as "2.2.20," ONLY look at the "visible numbers" (likely the wrong terminology here), and ignore the fact that it is not 2.2.02. In both cases, the "only number" is 2. Way easier to think of it this way than adding the numbers up!
How has this thread over numbers made it to 3 pages long? 😂