I've actually had a bug in the Send to Lucid feature in iOS google maps since this update. When I send to Lucid it shows up on the screen with the proper name of the destination but when I try to navigate to it, it just picks somewhere random on the map totally unrelated to the destination.
We used the Nav system on a trip to the Riviera Beach Service Center just over a week ago (while still on 2.0.68) and it took several tries for the system to locate the address. Some of the tries resulted in hits not even remotely similar to the address we were giving.
One of the issues the Service Center was addressing was that the car sporadically failed to recognized the key fob and required the key card for entry. Another issue was that if we stopped the car and put it in park (but with the driver remaining behind the wheel and the car still turned on) for passengers to exit the rear seat, the car would not go back into drive. Sometimes it would do so after waiting a couple of minutes, and sometimes it required me to punch in the PIN.
The Service Center rebooted the system in an attempt to correct the problem and also replaced the battery in the key fob. It worked for a few days, but the problem returned two days ago. Sometimes while I'm driving along, a message will pop up that no key fob is detected, even though it's in my pocket. (Customer Service told me that is happening to some drivers if they put the key in the cupholders in the center console, as the signal gets blocked.) So I changed the battery again, in case the replacement from the Service Center was defective.
Also, when I returned from the Service Center, I reset the charge limit to 80%. (I had raised it for the trip.) For the next few days, the car would stop charging at 70-72%, and I could only restart charging by hitting "Start Charging" on the phone app. The charge limit was still showing as 80%, but the car just wouldn't reach it without a prod.
In short, the current software is more plagued with bugs than it's been recently.