2.0.66 OTA Suspension rocks!


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Verified Owner
Mar 22, 2022
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Air GT Black/Tahoe/19"
I couldn’t find this posted elsewhere so I’ll just post here. The latest update literally fixed everything I didn’t like about Smooth mode. My commute is terrifying, containing high speed corners banked the wrong way, very fast merges into merges around corners and very wavy/bumpy roads on I95 and I 195. Smooth mode now has less understeer, less body roll, and less suspension hysteresis over bumps, which is why I always used Swift mode, but now Smooth is great. I’m curious if @Dhimiter @BillP and @lpinprov have experienced a similar improvement on our stupid roads. I’m super impressed at how good the suspension is in this car and how they were able to solve these subtle issues which make it better with software.
I couldn’t find this posted elsewhere so I’ll just post here. The latest update literally fixed everything I didn’t like about Smooth mode. My commute is terrifying, containing high speed corners banked the wrong way, very fast merges into merges around corners and very wavy/bumpy roads on I95 and I 195. Smooth mode now has less understeer, less body roll, and less suspension hysteresis over bumps, which is why I always used Swift mode, but now Smooth is great. I’m curious if @Dhimiter @BillP and @lpinprov have experienced a similar improvement on our stupid roads. I’m super impressed at how good the suspension is in this car and how they were able to solve these subtle issues which make it better with software.
So wait, where do you live again? Sounds like fun to drive!
Also I have never heard of bumpy I-95.. its usually really smooth.
These changes were possible because of semi-adaptive dampers, which means that lucid COULD give us customizable modes!


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Here’s the area of 95 South where 195 intersects and 95 North branches off that I’m talking about. It’s a total disaster all the time and the Lucid makes it so much more bearable. https://maps.app.goo.gl/Vens7PRXgmU8oSrM9?g_st=ic
Oh... far northern I-95 is a disaster. I remember once we were on a family trip, and it was so bad that we got off the highway to another state one.(we thought the car was literally going to break)

And then we got lost and went back.
I couldn’t find this posted elsewhere so I’ll just post here. The latest update literally fixed everything I didn’t like about Smooth mode. My commute is terrifying, containing high speed corners banked the wrong way, very fast merges into merges around corners and very wavy/bumpy roads on I95 and I 195. Smooth mode now has less understeer, less body roll, and less suspension hysteresis over bumps, which is why I always used Swift mode, but now Smooth is great. I’m curious if @Dhimiter @BillP and @lpinprov have experienced a similar improvement on our stupid roads. I’m super impressed at how good the suspension is in this car and how they were able to solve these subtle issues which make it better with software.
I wish I could say. I seem to be last to get updates 😞
I couldn’t find this posted elsewhere so I’ll just post here. The latest update literally fixed everything I didn’t like about Smooth mode. My commute is terrifying, containing high speed corners banked the wrong way, very fast merges into merges around corners and very wavy/bumpy roads on I95 and I 195. Smooth mode now has less understeer, less body roll, and less suspension hysteresis over bumps, which is why I always used Swift mode, but now Smooth is great. I’m curious if @Dhimiter @BillP and @lpinprov have experienced a similar improvement on our stupid roads. I’m super impressed at how good the suspension is in this car and how they were able to solve these subtle issues which make it better with software.
Funny. I’m in RI visiting family and came back to my hotel from Dinner at Honeybird and took that exact shitty interchange an hour ago! It’s crazy dangerous especially in the dark … add 146 N to the mix and I was thinking that I sure am glad I wasn’t in my Lucid on these crappy RI roads! The craptacular Charger rental was floaty and dangerous with its impossibly dim headlights! I can’t believe that people buy these things, and that the car is still being made! I’ll think of you when I’m back in Cali on Saturday night And get to test out the new suspension tuning on smoother roads.
I could not tell any difference in suspension in pure AWD with 2.0.66 and my wife made no comment when we drove 50 miles on I 880 and surface streets in the SF Bay area. The ghost power drain when the car sits in the garage appears to be less
I couldn’t find this posted elsewhere so I’ll just post here. The latest update literally fixed everything I didn’t like about Smooth mode. My commute is terrifying, containing high speed corners banked the wrong way, very fast merges into merges around corners and very wavy/bumpy roads on I95 and I 195. Smooth mode now has less understeer, less body roll, and less suspension hysteresis over bumps, which is why I always used Swift mode, but now Smooth is great. I’m curious if @Dhimiter @BillP and @lpinprov have experienced a similar improvement on our stupid roads. I’m super impressed at how good the suspension is in this car and how they were able to solve these subtle issues which make it better with software.
I noticed subtle changes, but definitely more noticeable at more turns and twists than just straight aways. But noticed more floaty feeling when I went over bumps.
I could not tell any difference in suspension in pure AWD with 2.0.66 and my wife made no comment when we drove 50 miles on I 880 and surface streets in the SF Bay area. The ghost power drain when the car sits in the garage appears to be less
It's harder to tell on straightaways. More turns, or bumps is easier to tell on, at least for me.

I still wish we can customize it more individually and get stuff steering with loose suspension, or whatever
OK. I drove on mild curves on flat highway. So in our area 280 and 101 are windy and also they have elevation changes
The change in suspension is subtle in a way but in another way it’s an incredible accomplishment. I knew the software would get better, but I never expected the ride quality to improve. I said this in the OTA thread, but the car in smooth mode feels a lot more like my Panamera GTS. It feels much more connected to the road and has less body roll in Smooth mode. Bravo Lucid 👏🏻
The changes are quite subtle to me, but I sense a bit more feedback on the road over imperfections and bumps. This could be a placebo effect, but have most people sensed this , or am I just losing it (a distinct possibility in this case)?
Funny. I’m in RI visiting family and came back to my hotel from Dinner at Honeybird and took that exact shitty interchange an hour ago! It’s crazy dangerous especially in the dark … add 146 N to the mix and I was thinking that I sure am glad I wasn’t in my Lucid on these crappy RI roads! The craptacular Charger rental was floaty and dangerous with its impossibly dim headlights! I can’t believe that people buy these things, and that the car is still being made! I’ll think of you when I’m back in Cali on Saturday night And get to test out the new suspension tuning on smoother roads.
How was Honeybird? I heard they have great cocktails. I live just across the river from them, gotta drive over the worst bridge on earth, the Henderson street bridge which thankfully they’re rebuilding because it’s been like a military bombing range for years. And yeah I’ve had a Charger as a rental. Second worst car I’ve ever driven, only beat by a Chrysler PT Cruiser haha.
How was Honeybird? I heard they have great cocktails. I live just across the river from them, gotta drive over the worst bridge on earth, the Henderson street bridge which thankfully they’re rebuilding because it’s been like a military bombing range for years. And yeah I’ve had a Charger as a rental. Second worst car I’ve ever driven, only beat by a Chrysler PT Cruiser haha.
Naah, the Yugo that I got from Hertz in Ontario has to be the winner. To adjust the side view mirror, you need to stick your hand outside.
How was Honeybird? I heard they have great cocktails. I live just across the river from them, gotta drive over the worst bridge on earth, the Henderson street bridge which thankfully they’re rebuilding because it’s been like a military bombing range for years. And yeah I’ve had a Charger as a rental. Second worst car I’ve ever driven, only beat by a Chrysler PT Cruiser haha.
I don’t drink, but my sister and nephew liked their drinks! Chicken is good too.
Maybe it’s all in my head but it feels like they dumbed down swift mode a lot. Almost feels like smooth. Steering feels way looser/softer. Not a fan but I haven’t really got to put it through it’s paces yet so could just be in my head
Maybe it’s all in my head but it feels like they dumbed down swift mode a lot. Almost feels like smooth. Steering feels way looser/softer. Not a fan but I haven’t really got to put it through it’s paces yet so could just be in my head
Here in Utah speed limits are 80 MPH, and when going up the mountains, it's downright dangerous to be in Smooth mode because of how loose the steering wheel is, so I always switch to Swift to make the steering wheel more tight and to tighten the suspension. I can literally imagine people crashing if they're going too fast in smooth mode because you can turn the steering wheel too easily.
Maybe it’s all in my head but it feels like they dumbed down swift mode a lot. Almost feels like smooth. Steering feels way looser/softer. Not a fan but I haven’t really got to put it through it’s paces yet so could just be in my head
More of the differentiation between the two is mostly gone except for suspension and throttle response. Smooth has diverged from the floatier feel similar to the EQS. Lucid has edged more towards a grounded feel in comparison, so I think this is the result of feedback from the customer base to lean into the driving experience more.

Certainly not a bad change and even a welcomed change for many owners I would assume. Day to day use will have little difference for those mostly doing interstate driving.
I am a resident of a small town and since the upgrade my car does not seem to float over all of the typical bumps in the roads any longer. It seems like a brick to me-bump, bump, bump! When I headed out on the highway last weekend it smoothed out but the smooth bump gliding feel is now gone at my slower speeds.. bummer…