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  1. S

    Tire blowout - what expenses should I expect?

    Lucid AT with 19s! Here in DFW northern suburbs. Huge pothole got my front-left tire blown out and rear-left tire with a bulge. I had it towed to my home last night. Getting it towed to Discount tire today for replacing tires. I have tire hazard warranty from Discount tire. The tires have 22k...
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    Lucid Motors just posted a teaser of Gravity and promises to release more tomorrow. Are we there already?
  3. S

    Squeaking sound from the front seats

    My front seats make squeaking sound whenever I move around the seat or I go over a bump etc. Looks like an issue with the springs underneath or something similar. Mobile service looked at it earlier, and they removed and re-installed the seats. The sound went away for a few days and reappeared...
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    Mobile Key - Frunk Open Hack with iPhone

    Quick update for fellow forum owners using Mobile key: Create an iPhone shortcut to open the frunk. Set your Action Button (iPhone 15 Pro) to trigger the shortcut. When you approach the car and it wakes up, press and hold the Action Button on your iPhone to open the frunk. Of course you need...
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    Storing trunk & frunk well cover

    Has anyone figured out how and where to store the frunk and trunk well covers? My BMW has a trunk cover that I can store underneath my trunk floor. Looking for such options where we conceal or not impede on the trunk or frunk space to store it. Or do we just leave them out of the car all the...
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    Mobile key on Apple Watch?

    I recently reverted to mobile key from key fob to try it out after the most recent OTAs. I see that (sometimes) car doesn’t wake up or unlock even when I am right next to the car (with passive unlock turned on). I take my phone out of the pocket and it wakes up and unlocks immediately. To...
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    Keyfob/Mobile Key proximity to trunk does not unlock

    I approach the car parked in a grocery store parking lot. My hands are full of grocery bags. I somehow manage to press the button on the trunk to open it. THE TRUNK DOES NOT OPEN!! I am told by Lucid Service that the rear of the car does not have a proximity sensor, hence cannot detect the key...
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    Mobile Connector vs Chargepoint or Juicebox or blah!

    First time EV owner here! I am pretty satisfied with the mobile connector that came with the car. It is currently plugged in at my garage. Do I need an actual home charging station like Chargepoint or Juicebox? Or can I just keep using the mobile connector? Any advantages with spending another...