Android Auto Thursday

Lucid does not control when Google releases a new version of Android Auto.

Your assertion is absurd on its face, and the implication that Lucid somehow is withholding Android Auto because they desire to piss you off is absurd.

Lucid’s software has had plenty of missteps, but has also improved immensely. Name a car that doesn’t have bugs, and I have some oceanside property to sell you in Utah.

That’s really unfortunate, since Android isn’t what makes a car good or bad, but okay. Your survey, your opinion.

Without context, it’s easy to throw stones. Context is everything, as always. Have you ever heard of Chesterton’s fence? It’s not precisely the same idea, but it’s related to my point about context being everything.

The last line of that post is very good: “You don’t need to be a slave to tradition, but you should approach what already exists with humility and curiosity.”

Instead of making assumptions that everyone on Lucid’s software team sucks, perhaps consider asking questions and being curious about it first, seeking to understand.

For example, building a new company is obviously difficult, and especially building one that makes cars. As a result, you undoubtedly take on a ton of technical debt as a new startup (period) but even more so in something as complicated as an EV.

Lucid is both paying back that technical debt while simultaneously building new features, and that technical debt is what’s bothering you.

But here’s the thing: every single new startup has this problem. Tesla did. Rivian does (and still has plenty of software issues as per their forum). Lucid does.

Ford might not, because they’re not a startup. Hyundai’s software is hot garbage. They still make great cars.

What part is incorrect?

“The CarPlay icon is shown when an iPhone is connected, just like this” -> this is obviously true, as this is the icon the shows up when an iPhone is connected.

“My guess is it wants to project the phone, but can’t, because AA is not yet on, so it’s confused.” -> since the owner doesn’t have an iPhone, but I suspect AA is already there under the hood, and waiting for Google, the car *wants* to project the owner’s Android phone, but can’t, since AA isn’t yet active, so shows the CarPlay icon because it’s confused.

I never said the owner had an iPhone.
I was saying that the CarPlay icon also showed if you didn't connect an iPhone to the car. So, I apologize. Your comment was not incorrect. Potentially incomplete though since it showed up in other situations as well as when you connect an iPhone.

I wasn't sure if you knew that because I believe you are an iPhone user
I was saying that the CarPlay icon also showed if you didn't connect an iPhone to the car. So, I apologize. Your comment was not incorrect. Potentially incomplete though since it showed up in other situations as well as when you connect an iPhone.

I wasn't sure if you knew that because I believe you are an iPhone user
No worries, I think we’re still crossing our wires a bit.

Pre-2.6, do we agree that the icon only showed up when an iPhone was connected?

Post-2.6, I agree that the icon shows up whenever an iPhone *or* Android is connected.
No worries, I think we’re still crossing our wires a bit.

Pre-2.6, do we agree that the icon only showed up when an iPhone was connected?

Post-2.6, I agree that the icon shows up whenever an iPhone *or* Android is connected.
There's two effects post 2.6. for Android users: 1)a carplay icon now appears and 2) pixel users are reporting their phones attempting to connect Android auto. My s24 doesn't seem to try connecting- maybe other Samsung users can provide their color.
I own an Android phone, and I would say that the delay in AA is only a very slight blip to me.

If I had 100 points to award to my CURRENT perception of Lucid problems (after about 3 months of owning a 2025 Pure) I would spend them in the followiny way:

- AA -1 point
- Inferior key Fob (for folks who use it) - 20 points
- Worry about timely service availability 300 miles away - 50 points.
- Reserved for potential future issues - 29 points
No worries, I think we’re still crossing our wires a bit.

Pre-2.6, do we agree that the icon only showed up when an iPhone was connected?

Post-2.6, I agree that the icon shows up whenever an iPhone *or* Android is connected.
I can't speak to the first situation because I don't have an iPhone. But as always I trust you on that
Lucid software is a mess. You can see the signs everywhere, not just with the lack of Android Auto. Android Auto could have been implemented many months ago if Lucid so desired.
I wouldn't say that it's a mess, nor would I say that it's perfect. Tesla was the first to the market with ota updates to the interface, and it took a good seven years or more before they worked through what was on my personal list of problems with it. They still have a number of things that are done very wrong, in my view, that Lucid got right.

Many of the bigger problems are high on the list of user requests. Some that I'd consider obvious design mistakes don't even show up on the lists though.

It will take Lucid time to get everything right, if they ever get there. That's one of the compromises you make when you get the first model from a new company.
There's two effects post 2.6. for Android users: 1)a carplay icon now appears and 2) pixel users are reporting their phones attempting to connect Android auto. My s24 doesn't seem to try connecting- maybe other Samsung users can provide their color.
Same with my S24
I will say that my S23 really wants to connect to Bluetooth. Every time I get on the car now, it switches from my previous selection to Bluetooth.
Exact same with my S10. I know it's old, gonna get a new one soon.
I haven't noticed my Pixel 9 trying to connect.
OMGOMGOMG is it happening?!?!


I've never seen this prompt on my phone before when making a bluetooth connection to the car. And it's Thursday.

Edit: no indication of anything in the Lucid ux to suggest AA availability, despite what my phone says. Hmm...
"Hey babe, can I borrow your phone for a minute?"


" won't think it's funny even though it is."
At sime point we all have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves "do I really want Android auto? Do I really want this thread to die?" And "do I really want to respond to dozens of posts on "Android auto not working on Samsung s28"
At sime point we all have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves "do I really want Android auto? Do I really want this thread to die?" And "do I really want to respond to dozens of posts on "Android auto not working on Samsung s28"
Yes. We want Android Auto.
Yes. We want this thread to die because I am starting to run out of quotes on patience.
No. We do not want to respond to dozens of post on Android Auto not working.