I often accidentally signal when trying to activate the one wipe button. And yes, I turn the cabin light on almost every time I adjust the rear view mirror. It’s my copilot’s job to turn it off.
Yes, the choice of making this a touch-only button instead of a push-click button was clearly incorrect.
While we are on this topic, let's talk about the clever "pause a fraction of a second and then slowly dim" behavior of the reading lights. If I try to turn this light off, I invariably have to fiddle with it. That's because is looks like it is ignoring me. So what happens is I touch it, nothing happens, I touch it again, and then eventually I remember that this light behaves differently than every other light in my life. (I think this slowly-fade behavior happens on turning the light on, too - it fades up - but for some reason that is less of a problem for me, probably because there is a little light right away.)
What the light
should do is go off - 100% off - as soon as I touch the button. Feedback. If there were tactile feedback from a push-click, then I would not need that instant-off behavior, but I have no tactile feedback that I pushed the button, so I need the light to tell me.
But let's talk about the design process here. It seems that someone said, "Gee, let's be super cool and make the light slowly dim when you turn it off." I have
so many problems with that. (1) See above - it's a bad UX. Just because there is a marketing need to 'innovate" and do something "special and cool" does not mean you should do it on UI elements. (2) Someone probably wrote some code to do this, at the expense of other code we really need. (3) Cognitive load. I now have to "think about" something as simple as turning on/off the damn light. I have better things to do with my brain cycles. I am the human and you are the car: don't try to train me, but instead behave in a standard and natural way as much as possible.
This flawed design thinking is also the root of many of the complaints in this thread. For example, there is are several perfectly well accepted and intuitive standard steering wheel stalk solutions for the wipers. Why, oh, why would you abandon those in favor of "try to find a non-tactile button in the dark while you are focused on the pouring rain outside"? Just because it's cool?
I get that there is a UX design model that says, "OK, the software will handle all the complexity for you. So we're going to simplify the UI or hide part of the functionality - to make the UI "clean" - because you aren't going to need that UI element any more. It's automated!" And that's fine, but if you take that approach you need to be damn sure you do a
perfect job with the automation. And, as we have read here, many folks find the wiper implementation far from perfect. And, while the button for the reading light is an annoyance, the crappy UI for the wipers is an actual safety issue.
In UI design, if you have to train your users, then you are doing something wrong. For example, why does the key fob not have three buttons, one each for the doors, trunk and frunk? Instead, you expect me to learn a hidden key sequence?
And, getting back to the "marketing need to innovate". The place to innovate in this car is in the drive train, suspension, body design. There is tons of design risk there. Why did you add to that design risk with silly "innovations" like the reading light, turn signals, those crappy toggle/scroll buttons on the steering wheel (a completely novel design, and one that is hard to use), door handle behavior. Don't innovate on those things unless you absolutely nail the implementation.
As the British say, Lucid is being "Too clever by half". I hope they stop doing that. And, by the way, if a future firmware update would change the reading light behavior to avoid the dimming, I would very much appreciate it.