Flaps hanging under


Dec 16, 2023
Reaction score
Hoboken, NJ
Range Rover, Lucid Air
I'm not sure why this flap got dislodged. Noticed while walking to my car and the right side rubber flap (see image) was visible hanging under the bumper. what is the function of this part, how did it get dislodged within 3 months, and how to fix it. Any one else with similar experience?
It diverts air away from the tires to reduce drag. They are meant to break away when snagged on objects such as a parking curb.
Is it supposed to be hanging like that? or it got dislodged as the left side was still up in place.
This is not uncommon as these air dams are intended to be easily dislodged. You lost the two pop-off fasteners in the rear. I don't know why Lucid does not provide a couple of them with the car when delivered. I suppose you can get replacement fasteners at any auto parts store. I've tried a few but never found any that fit = I have no idea what they look like, or what the specs are. I had both of mine in the same situation as yours. They will detach when you hit a parking concrete stop or a transition slope like from the street to driveway when the angle too steep. It's no big deal...all these seemingly small aerodynamic tweaks combine to make it one of the slipperiest cars ever built. Fortunately for me the service center is only 10 miles away = had mine replaced at regular service.

In the meantime I used duck tape to hold them up.

Lucid should offer a bag of them on their website, along with the hats and shirts and other swag...or at least show us a picture / give us the specs.

Anyone have a photo of the fasteners ?
I agree it is a pain. It happened several times and the Lucid repair person fixed it. I have since been super careful and haven’t had a problem in over a year. I love the car and it was at most a minor annoyance. Mike
Very common. I lost one and the other is loose. Its just not that important to get it fixed right now.

You have to be very careful parking to not allow the curb or the parking block to scrape it.
Been discussed here lots. “Air foil” and “air dam” are your magic search terms :)
This is not uncommon as these air dams are intended to be easily dislodged. You lost the two pop-off fasteners in the rear. I don't know why Lucid does not provide a couple of them with the car when delivered. I suppose you can get replacement fasteners at any auto parts store. I've tried a few but never found any that fit = I have no idea what they look like, or what the specs are. I had both of mine in the same situation as yours. They will detach when you hit a parking concrete stop or a transition slope like from the street to driveway when the angle too steep. It's no big deal...all these seemingly small aerodynamic tweaks combine to make it one of the slipperiest cars ever built. Fortunately for me the service center is only 10 miles away = had mine replaced at regular service.

In the meantime I used duck tape to hold them up.

Lucid should offer a bag of them on their website, along with the hats and shirts and other swag...or at least show us a picture / give us the specs.

Anyone have a photo of the fasteners ?
I live in Hoboken and as these metro areas have a lot of potholes and uneven surfaces, it's not possible for anyone to avoid those bumps and dips. I snapped this one back up and it seemed to be holding up but that's not a permanent solution. I believe these are little tweaks/issues that can be easily fixed and Lucid needs to fix these issues moving forward if they want to be #1 EVs manufacturing company in the world. I love this machine but these little issues can be annoying at times.
No, they are supposed to do that. A more rigid design will just break. You want things to fail in a way that does no damage if possible. All you need is the two fasteners that match the holes. The air dams aren't even necessary, but every little bit helps.

Agree that NYC and area is a minefield. I drive to Hamilton and take the train in.
Oddly enough, a low-clearance luxury sedan is not meant to be driven off road. Which includes some of the streets in major US cities these days.

As Cosmo pointed out, the part is working “as designed”. If it held on, you’d end up with much more damage, as opposed to a plastic flap falling off that can be easily and cheaply replaced.

Take comfort in that being one of the ONLY cheap and easily repaired bits on this car.
Anyone have a link to the replacement clips? I dont want to waste a service visit for something I can do myself if I can get the right clips to replace the 2 that are missing?
I've owned other cars with these. No big deal, repair/replace when necessary. As long as the OEM keeps costs reasonable all is good.
Got me to thinking of my favorite episode of the Red Green Show. Has featured guest Graham Greene (whom I love).
" ... we're talking parts per billion ... "
I used a zip tie when one of my clips broke.
This just happened to me and called Customer Care and sent a pic of the air dam hanging down. They schedulede mobile service to repair and they were here today to repair. I was dissappointed when they charged me $67 to do a repair that from my perspective should have been covered under warranty. I phoned CS to ask about it after the repair and was told it was not covered under the 4 year warranty as something must have hit it to break it loose was also told it they just had to reattach it they would not have charged me for it. The part was still hanging there and they used some type of clip to attach it to the car so not quite sure why they said it needed to be replaced. Most expensive car I have ever owned and first car that factory warranty was not honored. Dissappointed with Lucid policy and will share with anyone who asks me about the car.
It is a part that broke when driving. Not sure why that should be covered under warranty.

Its like a rock chip your windshield and we are asking for it to cover under warranty .
This just happened to me and called Customer Care and sent a pic of the air dam hanging down. They schedulede mobile service to repair and they were here today to repair. I was dissappointed when they charged me $67 to do a repair that from my perspective should have been covered under warranty. I phoned CS to ask about it after the repair and was told it was not covered under the 4 year warranty as something must have hit it to break it loose was also told it they just had to reattach it they would not have charged me for it. The part was still hanging there and they used some type of clip to attach it to the car so not quite sure why they said it needed to be replaced. Most expensive car I have ever owned and first car that factory warranty was not honored. Dissappointed with Lucid policy and will share with anyone who asks me about the car.
Also share with them you caused damage to the car and expected it to be covered under warranty but Lucid refused because they should have and that you have unrealistic expectations.
Also share with them you caused damage to the car and expected it to be covered under warranty but Lucid refused because they should have and that you have unrealistic expectations.
Ah, let the guy help drive the car's depreciation even more .... Just shooting himself in the foot.