2023 production volume, added math


Active Member
May 6, 2022
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Does anyone know how many units they plan to produce now in 2023?

They cut 2022 to 12k -14k from 20k, but no word on 2023 target or what was the original target?

I was just thinking of doing the math, Lucid math

~30K reservation
12k -14k of that will be built this year (GT then T, doubt P)
That leaves us with: 18K car reservations on the bear case or 16k cars left on the bull.
I would guess as they ramp up production, stand taking in all that income, by my estimation it's around $1.5B

In 2023 I would expect the ability to make double the 16k - 18k cars left for reservation by then. I think they will have the parts as they have to have been ramping up on that before knowing the projected numbers and having materials in stock, on contract, and the 100K car deal with Saudi over 3-4 years was it.

I would estimate 2023 production units to be 40k -50k
Let's not forget they said they will start the Gravity end 2023/2024 as well. I recall hearing 480k units possible at the end of the AMP phases planned. So in theory they should be targeting 60K models for 2023 min.

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Not sure they've released guidance for 2023. Once AMP-2 is done, they have the ability to produce 90,000 cars per year (and then 150,000 once AMP-3 is done). Though, that doesn't mean much since they have the ability to produce 30,000 cars per year in January but due to logistical and supply chain shortages, they will like only produce in the 5,000-10,000 range.
Lucid has no way to predict production accurately in the near future. Parts, especially electronic and electric, are tough to find or get produced. The auto industry world wide is in a shamble.
Lucid has no way to predict production accurately in the near future. Parts, especially electronic and electric, are tough to find or get produced. The auto industry world wide is in a shamble.
I think that’s why the OP said “plan”
The best laid plans often don’t go according to plan.
I think Lucid is also having problems finding enough workers for the factory production.
When is AMP2 complete?

I don't think 34k-40k cars is out of the question for 2023 and thus most reservation holders should get vehicles in 2023, specifically Pure. By my calculations at least 60% of reservations are Pure.
When is AMP2 complete?

I don't think 34k-40k cars is out of the question for 2023 and thus most reservation holders should get vehicles in 2023, specifically Pure. By my calculations at least 60% of reservations are Pure.

AMP-2 phase 2 and 3 will be completed in mid-2023 last I heard.