At some point in time if nothing is moving the press just moves on. Plenty of other models coming out or actually delivering that they can review, report on etc.
Lucid might believe that silence is the best option, but clearly, all interest from the media has been lost as a result. The entire “Road to Gravity” was a great momentum builder until production began. All that hype that was built has effectively been thrown out the window, leaving Lucid to start over whenever it decides to launch another Gravity marketing campaign. As an owner and hyped for the new model, it was exciting to see before it all fizzled out. However, as an investor, I can’t help but feel that it was a waste of money building up a campaign to then abruptly stop when it actually came to deliver and need to probably start over again.
I also don’t think spruiking the Dream Edition to the world is the smart play at the moment. Reports will go from Gravity being $95K to $140K putting Lucid straight back in the stigma it took so long to get out of: “they’re too expensive”