Dear Lucid, please improve the limited regenerative braking notification


Active Member
Verified Owner
Nov 1, 2022
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Sammamish, WA
Air Touring; Audi Q7
Dear Lucid,

Thank you for implementing the reduced regenerative braking notification, but I think it still needs some work.

In advance of a road trip last weekend, I charged my car to 100%. As I was backing out of my garage, I received the notification that regenerative braking would be limited (honestly, I can't remember the exact message). That was the last notification I received. I did not receive a message, for example, when regenerative braking was fully restored (around 94%, I think). This led to me guessing each time I had to slow down (often as I was in fairly heavy traffic on I-405) on what the car would do.

I would suggest having some type of a persistent indicator when regenerative braking is reduced and an explicit message once it's restored.

Dear Lucid,

Thank you for implementing the reduced regenerative braking notification, but I think it still needs some work.

In advance of a road trip last weekend, I charged my car to 100%. As I was backing out of my garage, I received the notification that regenerative braking would be limited (honestly, I can't remember the exact message). That was the last notification I received. I did not receive a message, for example, when regenerative braking was fully restored (around 94%, I think). This led to me guessing each time I had to slow down (often as I was in fairly heavy traffic on I-405) on what the car would do.

I would suggest having some type of a persistent indicator when regenerative braking is reduced and an explicit message once it's restored.

The energy meter has a persistant limited graphic until it's no longer limited. This was introduced in the last update.
Hm... I haven't noticed any visual difference unless I'm blind. I do have the latest update. A change in color or animation would help on the power meter itself.
Hm... I haven't noticed any visual difference unless I'm blind. I do have the latest update. A change in color or animation would help on the power meter itself.

The solid portion of the bar to the left changes to indicate how much regen is available. Hard to describe, but to me at least very intuitive when you see it. This came in 2.3.0.
View attachment 22856

The solid portion of the bar to the left changes to indicate how much regen is available. Hard to describe, but to me at least very intuitive when you see it. This came in 2.3.0.
That's a good photo of it. I would have never noticed (have the new update) without your description. A red or something would be great that differentiates a bit better, but this at least tells you if you know what to look for.
If Lucid does implement a persistent notification beyond what the meter shows, I hope it's something we can turn off because the last thing I need is another annoying message.
If Lucid does implement a persistent notification beyond what the meter shows, I hope it's something we can turn off because the last thing I need is another annoying message.
This was precisely the reason Lucid were reluctant to give us any regen warning at all. It's a constant balancing act between too much and not enough information.

Or, to put it another way, Car UX design is hard. No matter what the armchair designers on various forums (not this one, of course) would have you believe.
If Lucid does implement a persistent notification beyond what the meter shows, I hope it's something we can turn off because the last thing I need is another annoying message.
Agreed a message aside from the initial is undesirable. I was thinking a color change (red/grey scale/etc.), but who knows. Hopefully they have employees doing studies on any more less subtle notifications of reduced regen.
The energy meter has a persistant limited graphic until it's no longer limited. This was introduced in the last update.
Yep. I have that update. I couldn't tell a difference from what I normally see. Maybe it's there, but it's pretty subtle and when I'm slowing down in heavy traffic subtle doesn't work well for me as I want to keep my eyes on the cars in front of me.

I appreciate that they've done something. I just feel it still can be improved.
IMHO, Lucid should implement blended friction brakes in high SOC or any other condition where regen braking is limited. This way there is no perceived "feel" difference between the two braking conditions otherwise users much change driving / brake pedal application behavior when this occurs. Rivian recently implemented this function and it is really imperceptible when the vehicle is using the friction brakes when regen is not available or is limited. The only indication is that the regen bar in their UI is reduced.
IMHO, Lucid should implement blended friction brakes in high SOC or any other condition where regen braking is limited. This way there is no perceived "feel" difference between the two braking conditions otherwise users much change driving / brake pedal application behavior when this occurs. Rivian recently implemented this function and it is really imperceptible when the vehicle is using the friction brakes when regen is not available or is limited. The only indication is that the regen bar in their UI is reduced.
The problem then is that if you do have to push on the brake, it feels super jarring because it feels like the brakes aren't working, until you get past the point that it's already braking to.
The problem then is that if you do have to push on the brake, it feels super jarring because it feels like the brakes aren't working, until you get past the point that it's already braking to.
Do you own a Rivian as well and experienced this? That was not my observation in my R1S and have also not seen that mentioned by anyone on the Rivian forums. It is also a feature that can be disabled
Do you own a Rivian as well and experienced this? That was not my observation in my R1S and have also not seen that mentioned by anyone on the Rivian forums. It is also a feature that can be disabled
I have driven one and experienced this (though I don't own one). The same thing happens in Teslas, which warn you about it when you turn the feature on.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, to be clear! It's just a different way of solving the problem, and it happens to have this drawback. I'm not sure which is better.

I think being clearer when regen is limited is probably the approach I'd prefer, since it feels more predictable to me? But I don't know.
I charged my pure awd to 95 today and saw the warning. It was very useful. I drive extra carefully till I saw regen happened starting at 94 and 93 or 92 I felt that regen was perhaps 80%.At 91 it was near normal regen.
The arc around the charge/power graphic showing the amount of regen that is available is a very elegant solution. At slow speeds where not much regen is needed, it may feel normal at 94% SOC. However, at higher speeds normal regen may not occur until closer 80% SOC. The arc showing how far down in the charge indicator that regen is available is an excellent way to display this.
The arc around the charge/power graphic showing the amount of regen that is available is a very elegant solution. At slow speeds where not much regen is needed, it may feel normal at 94% SOC. However, at higher speeds normal regen may not occur until closer 80% SOC. The arc showing how far down in the charge indicator that regen is available is an excellent way to display this.
I must admit, I didn't notice this change until someone pointed it out on this forum. But I agree, it's a very elegant solution, if not super discoverable. Now that I know what to look for, though, it's pretty nice to have.
The problem then is that if you do have to push on the brake, it feels super jarring because it feels like the brakes aren't working, until you get past the point that it's already braking to.
The automatic braking already physically moves the brake pedal though, solving that problem.
The only suggestion for improvement that I have is making the solid part of the charging bar a distinctive color when regen is NOT fully available. This way, you know at a glance if you're operating in a degraded condition instead of having to visually compare the bar to what it normally looks like.
I agree that a color-coded bar would be ideal. Or, failing that, a notification that region will be available in X minutes, etc., etc. While this might seem like a small issue compared to other things that the Dev team is working on, the change in driving dynamics that disabled regen causes has a direct effect on safety, so it seems like this should be a priority to fine-tune. No one likes that feeling when the car isn’t slowing down like you expect it to…