I don't want to listen to songs in alphabetical order, but I'd like to see a lot more than shuffle. 25 years ago, I could add folders to a playlist (back then, add up to six CDs to a physical player but same idea) and when one finished, it would go to the next. I don't want to hunt things down when I'm driving, or have the contents of one album finish and end up listening to nothing.
There should be a way to queue things (either songs or albums/folders), "favorite" things, make playlists that can be picked from a menu, etc. What's there right now is literally less capable in some ways than a 25 year old CD changer, except for the obvious ability to have potentially hundreds instead of six. But it takes so long to load the USB that I wonder how useful improvements would really be for me if they can't figure out how to pick up where the car left off without rescanning the drive if the drive never got removed.