Lucids & Lattes - Bay Area Meetup - Sunday 1/14 @ 9AM


Referral Code: 6DS4HACO
Verified Owner
Aug 12, 2022
Reaction score
East Bay, CA
GT Zenith Red/Tahoe/21"
Referral Code
Hello fellow Bay Area owners! A few of us decided to have a little Lucids & Lattes meetup Sunday morning 9:00am at Inklings Coffee (530 Main Street, Pleasanton. Would love to be able to meet more of you! Let me know if you're planning on stopping by so we can look for you. You do not have to be there right at 9:00, (unless you are @borski - you need to be there at 9:00) just stop in when you can, I'm sure we will be there for a couple hours. Hope to see some new faces, and some we haven't seen in a while as well :)
Hello fellow Bay Area owners! A few of us decided to have a little Lucids & Lattes meetup Sunday morning 9:00am at Inklings Coffee (530 Main Street, Pleasanton. Would love to be able to meet more of you! Let me know if you're planning on stopping by so we can look for you. You do not have to be there right at 9:00, (unless you are @borski - you need to be there at 9:00) just stop in when you can, I'm sure we will be there for a couple hours. Hope to see some new faces, and some we haven't seen in a while as well :)
you think you're so funny
Sounds like a plan. Are Lucid Owners going take up the parking lot right next to Inkling Coffee?
Ill be traveling so will miss this time. Would be great to commiserate about Android Auto and all :)
Hello fellow Bay Area owners! A few of us decided to have a little Lucids & Lattes meetup Sunday morning 9:00am at Inklings Coffee (530 Main Street, Pleasanton. Would love to be able to meet more of you! Let me know if you're planning on stopping by so we can look for you. You do not have to be there right at 9:00, (unless you are @borski - you need to be there at 9:00) just stop in when you can, I'm sure we will be there for a couple hours. Hope to see some new faces, and some we haven't seen in a while as well :)
Sounds great! Would be awesome to see you and others as well!🥳
Hey it’s not my fault you have a well documented history of tardiness. Especially at meetups involving cars and coffee 🤣
history sure is written by the victors :(
I plan to be there. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
There is a parking lot next to Inkling Coffee. It will be great if all of us could park there and take a group picture.
I’m going to try and get there a little early to try and see if we can save a few spots. I think they do church there too so hopefully the parking lot isn’t packed when we all arrive.
I will be there. I can also be there at 8:45am to save spots. I guess it is indoors
So glad to see you all today! And it was great to meet a few new Lucid friends as well :)
