Total Eclipse anyone ?

Cosmo Cruz

Active Member
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May 2, 2022
Philly 'burbs
2022 Air GT: Cos/Cruz
DE Number
2024 April 8

Hey anyone going to the Total Eclipse of the Sun on 2024 April 8 ?

I've been looking at the path of Totality and it passes thru Erie, PA (closest to me as the crow flies) ... then up thru NY, etc...
Told the wife all the motels are booked along the flight path...we should rent a Winnebago and invite our traveling friends.

Anyone? This is a rare and spectacular event. Worth a moment of your life.
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Yep we’ll be in NH, so will drive a couple of hours North to see totality. Wouldn’t miss it.
I’ll be watching in Killeen, TX, just north of Austin. Dead center in the path of totality. Flying there, not driving, unfortunately.
We live within two hours of the path of totality. However, we'll be driving the ICE car to view it, not the Lucid. The last eclipse also tracked within two hours of normal driving time from our house. However, it took five hours to get home and that's only because we knew the road system well. Friends relying on the Interstate ended up spending the night in a fleabag motel. Chargers are few and far between in southern Illinois and Indiana. While I love my Lucid Touring, I won't risk being trapped in traffic watching the battery fall to zero.
I would, but 93 million miles exceeds my Lucid’s range. Maybe there are chargers along the way?
No eclipse if you drive to the sun...
I’ll be watching in Killeen, TX, just north of Austin. Dead center in the path of totality. Flying there, not driving, unfortunately.
I have a few friends heading out to that area to see it. Flying, not driving. I would join them, but will have to settle for pictures because I'll be on the other side of planet on vacation when it happens.
I think the wife is teasing me about my enthusiasm. This is what she got me for Christmas:

I… just think I may be able to make it. I plan on driving to Indianapolis from Chicago, where I already happen to be 4/5-4/8.

Anyone else wanna join us in Indianapolis?
A Total Eclipse from the Car

(Turn around)
Every now and then I feel the excitement rising
As I drive my Lucid to the eclipse's ground
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
Of the silence in my car, not a sound
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous
That the turtle's going to show
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
That the charging station's ports are all occupied

(Turn around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I find a charge
(Turn around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I find a charge
I… just think I may be able to make it. I plan on driving to Indianapolis from Chicago, where I already happen to be 4/5-4/8.

Anyone else wanna join us in Indianapolis?
There is an over 90% chance it will be cloudy along the entire NE path of the Total Eclipse of the Sun on 8 April 2024.

Have son in Chicago so may fly out there and drive to total eclipse location ... if you are there i would love to talk music.,


If Lucid Owners are going to eclipse rally in Indianapolis, Cosmo is there. Protective foil will be provided.
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I have flights reserved to get to Dallas and to Cleveland. So long as somewhere along the path has decent weather, I am good!
I've spent some time looking at chargers along my path N from Philly. It looks like the Buffalo to Rochester NY area is most accessible (shortest drive), and has the most EA chargers along the route. Then it occurs to me that there will likely be long lines all around the totality I may as well view the eclipse from a Wall Mart parking lot, while waiting for a charge. This has narrowed my search. I wonder if other EV owners have realized this?
I've spent some time looking at chargers along my path N from Philly. It looks like the Buffalo to Rochester NY area is most accessible (shortest drive), and has the most EA chargers along the route. Then it occurs to me that there will likely be long lines all around the totality I may as well view the eclipse from a Wall Mart parking lot, while waiting for a charge. This has narrowed my search. I wonder if other EV owners have realized this?
I'm glad it occurred to you 😉
Oh my. The savages. They'll blame the eclipse, and they will be correct.
I am so looking forward to this.
So... has anybody tried sleeping in the car with doggie mode on yet? I have a feeling that's what we'll be doing if we don't find a good place to put up a tent. Possibly in a parking lot just off the freeway depending on how things look on the way back.
I’ll be watching in Killeen, TX, just north of Austin. Dead center in the path of totality. Flying there, not driving, unfortunately.
Perhaps we will see each other. I am driving to Austin (Round Rock) and wife and son are flying work and school for them). Will do some day trips on Sat and Sun and see the clips on Monday!