RESOLVED Something rubbing against both front driver/passenger side windows


Mar 13, 2023
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When rolling up window something is rubbing against glass. It leaves a vertical mark/line/smudge along the window. The mark can be rubbed off with a towel. My car has been in service twice for this. Both times they said it was fixed. But it comes back. Anyone dealing with this too? :)
When rolling up window something is rubbing against glass. It leaves a vertical mark/line/smudge along the window. The mark can be rubbed off with a towel. My car has been in service twice for this. Both times they said it was fixed. But it comes back. Anyone dealing with this too? :)
At my last service appointment, I added this to the list and they took care of it. They made an adjustment to the window/mechanism.
I have the exact same thing on both windows. Do you know what the cause was?
I took another look at my completed work doc and it seems like the concern I discussed with the Lucid rep didn't make it on to the list. Ay yay yi. But we discussed it for a good bit when I brought in the car and he said that it was likely an alignment issue that they could adjust. Crikey. Now I have to add it to my list for next time.
I had another car that had a similar issue and it turned out that insulation inside the door was rubbing on the window glass and the residue was the adhesive that stuck the insulation to the door.
I had another car that had a similar issue and it turned out that insulation inside the door was rubbing on the window glass and the residue was the adhesive that stuck the insulation to the door.
Thanks for sharing that. Car going back to the shop next week. I will let them know.
I took another look at my completed work doc and it seems like the concern I discussed with the Lucid rep didn't make it on to the list. Ay yay yi. But we discussed it for a good bit when I brought in the car and he said that it was likely an alignment issue that they could adjust. Crikey. Now I have to add it to my list for next time.
But they did take care of it - just wasn’t written up - the streaks are gone.
Not sure how/why this thread was marked as “resolved”. It’s not resolved yet. But, once my car goes in again (next week I hope) and assuming it does get fixed , I will definitely post the outcome and any determined root cause here.
Over the weekend window was getting stuck in open position. Had to use my hand to help pull window up (while holding down button) so as not to leave car unlocked
car going back to service tomorrow
Service center has had my car for the past week. This is the 3rd time they have the car for this. On the drivers side they said they "re-seated" the window/glass and it appears to be "ok" now. On the passenger side they said they couldn't reproduce the problem so they didn't do anything :( Apparently if they cant reproduce the issue, then they cant work on it. Even though I sent them photos and videos and even though this is the 3rd time the car is in for this and even though its bascially the same thing that was happpening on the driver side. So I am concerned that this is an intermittent issue and will just resurface again after they return the car and then I will have to give it back for a 4th service visit :(

Anyone know what escalation avenues are available to me (if it comes to that)? This is a 2-month old car. I have lowered my expecations on pretty much most of the software as there are many bugs and goofy UI things, but basic functionality like windows going up/down properly needs to work.. lol
Service center has had my car for the past week. This is the 3rd time they have the car for this. On the drivers side they said they "re-seated" the window/glass and it appears to be "ok" now. On the passenger side they said they couldn't reproduce the problem so they didn't do anything :( Apparently if they cant reproduce the issue, then they cant work on it. Even though I sent them photos and videos and even though this is the 3rd time the car is in for this and even though its bascially the same thing that was happpening on the driver side. So I am concerned that this is an intermittent issue and will just resurface again after they return the car and then I will have to give it back for a 4th service visit :(

Anyone know what escalation avenues are available to me (if it comes to that)? This is a 2-month old car. I have lowered my expecations on pretty much most of the software as there are many bugs and goofy UI things, but basic functionality like windows going up/down properly needs to work.. lol
Is the problem still present? I understand that they couldn’t reproduce it… Can you?
I dont have the car back yet, but yes it was present and reproducible when I gave them the car.

but additional UPDATE from this morning:
The service manager I have been dealing with discussed with the shop foreman and management and they are gonna do additional more comprehensive work on both doors/windows to try and get to the bottom of it. This is a relief to me. The car will remain in the shop a few more days as they are waiting for some needed alignment tools that are currently on the mobile van up in Minnesota.

I know others said they experienced a similar issue so I hope my posts are helpful. I will post back once I get the car back again..

Got my car back yesterday. As of now problem has been resolved. I cannot reproduce.
They did many different things and also they discovered multiple other things that were addressed/fixed.