EA Charging Problems


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Verified Owner
Nov 18, 2022
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Lucid Air Grand Touring
Not sure what everyone's experience is with EA.
I haven't been able to charge at an EA station in the last 3 attempts.In short, the EA stations don't recognize my car.
The first time, I called. The EA operator made me read the last 8 characters of my VIN and then she overrode the charger to let me charge.
The last couple of times, the EA opeartor asked what model Lucid do I have. When I said, "I have a Lucid Air GT", she kept asking me if my Lucid is a "Gavity". When I told her there are no "Gravity" cars being sold yet, she insisted that there are. In any event, she told me my car is not registered and I wasan't eligible. She said Lucid didn't register my car.
I called lucid's service number to ask for help. They promised a call back within 48 hours; that was a week ago!
The details aside, the whole Lucid-EA alliance is a mess! Someone at Lucid needs to do something about it. The "3 years of free EA chraging" is not working for many of us!
And the only way to talk to Lucid is the Service number.

Lucid needs a much better customer portal to deal with issues!
Not sure what everyone's experience is with EA.
I haven't been able to charge at an EA station in the last 3 attempts.In short, the EA stations don't recognize my car.
The first time, I called. The EA operator made me read the last 8 characters of my VIN and then she overrode the charger to let me charge.
The last couple of times, the EA opeartor asked what model Lucid do I have. When I said, "I have a Lucid Air GT", she kept asking me if my Lucid is a "Gavity". When I told her there are no "Gravity" cars being sold yet, she insisted that there are. In any event, she told me my car is not registered and I wasan't eligible. She said Lucid didn't register my car.
I called lucid's service number to ask for help. They promised a call back within 48 hours; that was a week ago!
The details aside, the whole Lucid-EA alliance is a mess! Someone at Lucid needs to do something about it. The "3 years of free EA chraging" is not working for many of us!
And the only way to talk to Lucid is the Service number.

Lucid needs a much better customer portal to deal with issues!
How they know what the gravity is and not the air is beyond me.
...not registered and I wasan't eligible. She said Lucid didn't register my car...
That sounds like an easy fix.

What would prevent Lucid from calling EA to fix the registration problem for 1 week?

I guess it's a plug-and-play protocol bug that Lucid needs to solve in your car.

You should follow up with Service Center to ensure your car is registered with the EA plug-and-play protocol.
It seems to me Lucid needs to step up and straighten out the Lucid-EA issues.
As it stands, Lucid owners are left to their own devices to deal with EA.
The Lucid owners' relationship is with Lucid, not with EA. The 3 year "free charging" is promised by Lucid to the owners. EA is simply the agent.
My experience with EA has not been good....when I called EA, they said it is Lucid's fault. When I talk to the people at Lucid (Customer Support), they said it is EA's problem.
Regardless, shouldn't Lucid Motors executives talk to EA and straighten out the issues? I presume Lucid pays money to EA for this service. This cost is baked into the selling price. But many owners are having trouble getting this service. Issues include chargers that don't recognize the Lucid, many broken chargers, EA phone support seems clueless!
Regardless, shouldn't Lucid Motors executives talk to EA and straighten out the issues? I presume Lucid pays money to EA for this service. This cost is baked into the selling price. But many owners are having trouble getting this service. Issues include chargers that don't recognize the Lucid, many broken chargers, EA phone support seems clueless!
I’m sure Lucid isn’t thrilled about EA’s performance, and I’m sure they are pressing them hard on it, but at the end of the day, they don’t control EA, and EA has to be the one to fix their performance.
Not sure what everyone's experience is with EA.
I haven't been able to charge at an EA station in the last 3 attempts.In short, the EA stations don't recognize my car.
The first time, I called. The EA operator made me read the last 8 characters of my VIN and then she overrode the charger to let me charge.
The last couple of times, the EA opeartor asked what model Lucid do I have. When I said, "I have a Lucid Air GT", she kept asking me if my Lucid is a "Gavity". When I told her there are no "Gravity" cars being sold yet, she insisted that there are. In any event, she told me my car is not registered and I wasan't eligible. She said Lucid didn't register my car.
I called lucid's service number to ask for help. They promised a call back within 48 hours; that was a week ago!
The details aside, the whole Lucid-EA alliance is a mess! Someone at Lucid needs to do something about it. The "3 years of free EA chraging" is not working for many of us!
And the only way to talk to Lucid is the Service number.

Lucid needs a much better customer portal to deal with issues!

This happened to me after I got my car earlier this year. Here’s the response I got from Lucid customer service:

“Thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving this issue. The Plug and Charge (PnC) certificate assigned to your vehicle which enables you to simply "plug and charge" your vehicle at Electrify America was inactive. This was the reason why the station was not recognizing your vehicle at Electrify America and was asking you for a payment method in order to charge.

However, we were able to resolve this issue on the back end and the PnC certificate is now active. Moving forward, when you visit any EA station you shouldn't have to provide any credit card or payment information and will be able to utilize your free 3 year charging perk. Once you plug in your Lucid Air the vehicle will communicate to that station and should start charging.”
This happened to me after I got my car earlier this year. Here’s the response I got from Lucid customer service:

“Thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving this issue. The Plug and Charge (PnC) certificate assigned to your vehicle which enables you to simply "plug and charge" your vehicle at Electrify America was inactive. This was the reason why the station was not recognizing your vehicle at Electrify America and was asking you for a payment method in order to charge.

However, we were able to resolve this issue on the back end and the PnC certificate is now active. Moving forward, when you visit any EA station you shouldn't have to provide any credit card or payment information and will be able to utilize your free 3 year charging perk. Once you plug in your Lucid Air the vehicle will communicate to that station and should start charging.”
Thanks...this is helpful. I will contact my Lucid Service Manager againa nd see if he can pursue this.
This happened to me after I got my car earlier this year. Here’s the response I got from Lucid customer service:

“Thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving this issue. The Plug and Charge (PnC) certificate assigned to your vehicle which enables you to simply "plug and charge" your vehicle at Electrify America was inactive. This was the reason why the station was not recognizing your vehicle at Electrify America and was asking you for a payment method in order to charge.

However, we were able to resolve this issue on the back end and the PnC certificate is now active. Moving forward, when you visit any EA station you shouldn't have to provide any credit card or payment information and will be able to utilize your free 3 year charging perk. Once you plug in your Lucid Air the vehicle will communicate to that station and should start charging.”
It sounds like Lucid is responsible for Lucid's car and what's going on with its car, including the PnC certificate.

It is not EA's job to assign a random stranger a free charge who has no PnC certificate. Its job is only to allow free charge if someone has placed a PnC certificate into that stranger's car. That's barking up the wrong tree!

In this PnC certificate scenario, I would give EA a break.
My PnC certificate got turned off after one of the v1.0 updates back in July/Aug (some bug during the install). Fortunately I got someone at customer care who immediately recognized the problem in the car, reset the PnC certificate,, had me do a hard reboot and the car worked perfectly after that.

I had thought it was EA since I threw errors at a charging station known for issues. I drove to a second one and was having the same issues. EA was telling me it wasn’t their machines. I called Lucid and told them the car was working perfectly fine at an EA two days before just before I did the update and this was the first charge after that.

Now anytime I leave for a trip and there has been an update since the last one, I do a test EA charge before leaving. If there are problems and I am contacting Lucid, I always ask if the PnC certificate is active. I have had some at cc who did not know what I am talking about so it does matter who you talk to.
Don't know what extenuating circumstances may exist with EA, but the situation for Az residents traveling to CA is a real problem. The only site between Phoenix and Indio/Palm Springs is at Quartzsize where only 2 our 4 chargers worked as of yesterday. One charger has been down since Thanksgiving.
Can't even imagine having only 4 gas pumps on an interstate stretch of 200 miles. And 2 of which out of service!
Don't know what extenuating circumstances may exist with EA, but the situation for Az residents traveling to CA is a real problem. The only site between Phoenix and Indio/Palm Springs is at Quartzsize where only 2 our 4 chargers worked as of yesterday. One charger has been down since Thanksgiving.
Can't even imagine having only 4 gas pumps on an interstate stretch of 200 miles. And 2 of which out of service!
Charge at Buckeye and you can make it to Cabazon/Redlands no problem. I skip Quartizte all together now. Reverse trip I leave at 100% from Pasadena and just charge at Buckeye.
Don't know what extenuating circumstances may exist with EA, but the situation for Az residents traveling to CA is a real problem. The only site between Phoenix and Indio/Palm Springs is at Quartzsize where only 2 our 4 chargers worked as of yesterday. One charger has been down since Thanksgiving.
Can't even imagine having only 4 gas pumps on an interstate stretch of 200 miles. And 2 of which out of service!
Wow, had no idea. Looking at a map, seems the situation from Phoenix to San Diego is a bit better, with stations in Dateland, Yuma, and El Centro. I could make it from home to as far as El Centro, assuming I leave with a full charge. Yuma would be better since it's near In N Out.
There seems to be more than one issue with EA+ Lucid. I’ve only had plug & charge authentication problems twice, both times it was resolved by plugging in again and using the Lucid app to authenticate the charger when it gave the option. My car otherwise authenticates very quickly when I plug in, my problem occurs after authentication, where the car tries to start charging but then stops immediate and the EA dispenser says charging error. Only on ABB units though, signet and the new ones work for me every time unless they’re broken for other drivers also.
Hi, @BS8899.

Thank you for sharing. I just DM'd you. Let me know if I can be of assistance.

Do you have to call Lucid customer care to verify that the PnC Certificate in setup and valid.? The Lucid app shows the EA plan summary: start date, 3 years. Is that the same as the PnC certificate?
I really haven't had any troubles with EA up until my last two charges. It apparently is throttling back the charge rate after about 10 minutes. It's happened the last two times for me. It never happened before and I've always used the same EA charging station. It takes about 20 minutes to gain 30% and another 20 minutes to gain 10%. I used to be able to charge from 20% to 80% in about 30 minutes. Have others experienced this recently?
I really haven't had any troubles with EA up until my last two charges. It apparently is throttling back the charge rate after about 10 minutes. It's happened the last two times for me. It never happened before and I've always used the same EA charging station. It takes about 20 minutes to gain 30% and another 20 minutes to gain 10%. I used to be able to charge from 20% to 80% in about 30 minutes. Have others experienced this recently?
Do you always precondition?
Well, well, well. This is very interesting. Read on. Went to an APS/EA charger in Sedona AZ yesterday just to check it out. Is 90 minute drive from my house, so a road trip. When I got there, there was a repair guy there staring at the emergency shutdown switch. He reported that the Fire Department tried to test the emergency switch, but that only stations 3 and 4 shutdown. Stations 1 and 2 were still running. He was trying to figure out why, but I could charge if I wanted. Since this was a trip to see if I could charge my Lucid for free at an APS/EA charger location, I plugged into the 350kW station. Started at 50% SOC and went to 70%, no issues. MAX rate was 127kW. Now comes the interest part. I told the repair guy they had installed a new APS/EA charger in Prescott, AZ that wasn’t turned on yet. He said he knew that and they were awaiting certification. I asked who certifies the stations. He said, “Rivian certifies the stations for EA”. Rivian comes and tests the chargers, then approves them to EA Before they are turned on. Who knew!

what is an APS/EA charger you ask. Well APS is our electric company. They seemed to have teamed with EA to install charging stations. The equipment and billing is all EA. The site and power come from APS. Both names are on the chargers. My free charging worked there! I know of 3 such locations in northern AZ. Payson, Sedona and now Prescott.
what is an APS/EA charger you ask. Well APS is our electric company. They seemed to have teamed with EA to install charging stations. The equipment and billing is all EA. The site and power come from APS. Both names are on the chargers. My free charging worked there! I know of 3 such locations in northern AZ. Payson, Sedona and now Prescott.
Show Low also has one.
Do you have to call Lucid customer care to verify that the PnC Certificate in setup and valid.? The Lucid app shows the EA plan summary: start date, 3 years. Is that the same as the PnC certificate?
I just picked up my AT last Friday and it's in the detailer's shop for a wrap and tint. Was wondering about all the comments regarding using the Lucid App to identify the EA station as part of authentication. I'm not seeing any of these type of options in my Lucid App, just the EA Plan Summary. I wouldn't think this was our PnC. I too wonder how to verify our PnC being active prior to trying an EA fast charge...