Wiper controls


May 7, 2024
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So I drove though a lot of rain a couple of days ago and discovered that the controls are not easy to engage while driving though serious rain. Tesla has voice control for wipers and if they don’t change the location of the wiper controls I hope lucid will add wiper control to Alexa voice command.
There are buttons on the left side of the cockpit panel to have them work on low or high automatically if there is water on the glass. Then you don't have to do anything at all! If that's not working fast enough, one tap on the left stalk will clear the window of rain. Which is why I'm not 100% sure where the wiper control is, I've never needed to use it.
There are buttons on the left side of the cockpit panel to have them work on low or high automatically if there is water on the glass. Then you don't have to do anything at all! If that's not working fast enough, one tap on the left stalk will clear the window of rain. Which is why I'm not 100% sure where the wiper control is, I've never needed to use it.
That same spot next to the auto high or low has two speeds for the wiper controls. One line is low, two lines is high.


Manual: https://publications.infotainment.p...tml#GUID-3141699D-1A5A-405D-BC2A-3377188932FE
Why is there an auto high and auto low instead of just one auto button? Is that helpful in some way?
Never rains in austin, so really doesn’t matter i guess.
There are buttons on the left side of the cockpit panel to have them work on low or high automatically if there is water on the glass. Then you don't have to do anything at all! If that's not working fast enough, one tap on the left stalk will clear the window of rain. Which is why I'm not 100% sure where the wiper control is, I've never needed to use it.
I’ll try that! Thanks
Why is there an auto high and auto low instead of just one auto button? Is that helpful in some way?
Never rains in austin, so really doesn’t matter i guess.
Auto wipers are a fool's errand.

The fact that Lucid felt the need to have two "auto" modes is proof of that. But I get it.

No two people will agree on the optimal speed for "Auto" wipers. Some people like an aggressive wipe that gets all the drops off as soon as possible; other people get annoyed when there's two raindrops and the thing is wiping them off immediately.

You cannot make every driver happy. So give us multiple speeds—10-20, hudreds of choices, even—and just let us set it how we like, please.
I guess Lucid could not afford to pay Robert Kearns.

Most cars since the 70's have user-adjustable variable speed wipers.

Since Kearns, not a single electrical engineer has be able to figure out what he did or how he did it.


safety is not that important
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Does Auto High mean high sensitivity for rain and faster intervals? Or is it the other way around?
I drove home to and from the Def Leppard concert in the rain yesterday.

Variable rain from mist to showers and used both auto High and Low.

In my observation it looks like Auto Low vs Auto High is the speed of the wipe.
Either low or high seems to engage when it detects enough water on the window.

Auto High allows for faster more frequent wipes as the speed is higher.

This is what I observed.
I drove home to and from the Def Leppard concert in the rain yesterday.

Variable rain from mist to showers and used both auto High and Low.

In my observation it looks like Auto Low vs Auto High is the speed of the wipe.
Either low or high seems to engage when it detects enough water on the window.

Auto High allows for faster more frequent wipes as the speed is higher.

This is what I observed.
Thanks, appreciate it.

I observed on my test drive that all the "manual" speeds seem to be pretty fast, and the auto is not the best at detecting misty conditions.
I agree with that statement.

In misty/fogging conditions I have to manually push the button on the left stalk to request a wipe as it doesn’t seem to pickup on accumulating mist.

Not the only car which is not able to sense mist/fog.
I agree with that statement.

In misty/fogging conditions I have to manually push the button on the left stalk to request a wipe as it doesn’t seem to pickup on accumulating mist.

Not the only car which is not able to sense mist/fog.
My first car with auto wipers, so the whole thing is new to me.
It does seem strange that auto-wipers are a solved problem, assuming you're using the same windshield sensors as legacy vehicle makers (Looking at you Tesla). It sounds like that solution is behind a paywall per Cosmo Cruz (Patent?) and I guess Lucid aren't using it.
Here's an explanation of how auto-wipers work:

I have a theory on why Lucid's auto-wipers don't seem to run often enough. That incredibly low drag coefficient that the Air achieves means that the air is flowing over the windshield differently than many other cars. If the sideways air movement is faster at the top of the windshield where the sensor is, then fewer water drops hit there than further down where we are trying to see through it.

I also wish the car had a traditional wiper stalk. I often find that auto does not run often enough, so switch to manual when it starts raining. The button is hidden behind the steering wheel, so I have to change my posture in the car, and then brace my palm against the edge of the dash to accurately press on the button. That takes way too much of my attention away from the road at a time when conditions have made driving less safe.