Pre-set screens for Control Panel


New Member
Feb 12, 2024
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Air Touring
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It would be nice if you could have pre-sets for either cockpit or control panel screens. I am sure everyone would have their own preferences, but I enjoy having my Favorite SiriusXM stations listed in the control panel. Every time I get into the car, I must select Radio from the cockpit, bring it down to control panel and make two SiriusXM selections to display the list. This is a lot of time not looking forward to get to where you want to be set. A programmable button would be cool....push twice and the screens would automatically change to what your preference is. Love the car, think they need some more UI software engineers. Hoping the lack of updates lately are in anticipation of a 3.0 update when Gravity is released.
It would be nice if you could have pre-sets for either cockpit or control panel screens. I am sure everyone would have their own preferences, but I enjoy having my Favorite SiriusXM stations listed in the control panel. Every time I get into the car, I must select Radio from the cockpit, bring it down to control panel and make two SiriusXM selections to display the list. This is a lot of time not looking forward to get to where you want to be set. A programmable button would be cool....push twice and the screens would automatically change to what your preference is. Love the car, think they need some more UI software engineers. Hoping the lack of updates lately are in anticipation of a 3.0 update when Gravity is released.
If you hadn’t seen, the Gravity does have user programmable buttons on the steering wheel. Hopefully with UX 3.0 will come programmable soft buttons for our Airs. I for one would take a Sprint button that doesn’t require me to be on the right screen or press confirm.
It would be nice if you could have pre-sets for either cockpit or control panel screens. I am sure everyone would have their own preferences, but I enjoy having my Favorite SiriusXM stations listed in the control panel. Every time I get into the car, I must select Radio from the cockpit, bring it down to control panel and make two SiriusXM selections to display the list. This is a lot of time not looking forward to get to where you want to be set. A programmable button would be cool....push twice and the screens would automatically change to what your preference is. Love the car, think they need some more UI software engineers. Hoping the lack of updates lately are in anticipation of a 3.0 update when Gravity is released.
User programmable screens is a good idea. In the meantime, regarding having your XM favorites display, that changed (not for the better) with the latest OTA. They used to display automatically. Now, without fail, every time I get in the car, the right side of the cockpit display says 'No favorites available.' However, one the music starts playing (1-2 minutes after getting in the car), I can hit nav, music or phone and then the home button (cockpit display not pilot panel) and the favorites display appropriately. Annoying work around but at least it's known and relatively quick.