Who else is pissed off about Lucid's updates?

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Sep 9, 2022
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Sapphire, GT-P, Huracan
Comparing early Windows 3.11. (or so) and latest Lucid's OTA. Which one is worse?
From the outsider side, not a member of this fabulous forum, why would anyone purchase the car?
I know, the hardware is excellent, and the software is for shit.
Enough of soft ball playing on this site, trying to make excuses, I'm tried of playing this game.
Lucid's game.

Are we that gullible?
And Lucid, are you that trustworthy?
Lucid, you better shape up, or...go under.
I'm confused, are we supposed to be upset the software is getting better or that it's not perfect?
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I'm am quite happy with my GT software and all. I think there is a thing with software in tha it can always be better but at some point you gotta go with what you got. Maybe we need a new forum for owners that are happy with their Lucids.

BTW if you don't like Lucids don't buy one and go complain about what you actually bought.
Yeah, I have to say I’m pretty happy with the improvements we’ve been seeing. Sure, looking forward to certain features getting implemented and some little glitches ironed out, but I love this car and have zero regrets!
Yeah there’s very little about the software that bothers me any more, aside from not being able to make cross traffic collision avoidance warning without intervention, and occasional camera glitches when first getting into the car. It will be nice once we are able to display various info where the Air logo is and it will be great when we get a stable version of Highway Pilot, but I’m actually pretty content with the software in its current state, not being a FanBoi, being totally honest.
Should this be a poll? I am not pissed.
Hell, I am not pissed and I am still on 2.1.71 but then again, I am leaving next week for the month in Vail/Steamboat Springs. Only golf will take away the agony of waiting for whatever Lucid OTA is sent next. I assume .7 then .10 so I will not be the red-headed stepchild any longer.:D
Comparing early Windows 3.11. (or so) and latest Lucid's OTA. Which one is worse?

I would think Lucid is at least Windows NT now if not Windows 95. There are brands such as Mazda, Suzuki, Dodge, Alfa Romeo, Jeep and much more are still at MS DOS age.
I think the software improvement graph would look a lot like the S&P chart over the last year. Overall, massive improvements but definitely not a straight line of growth. Some days are euphoric and some days make you a little sick to your stomach.
Sums up OP’s feelings ….

If it took 14 months to go from 1.0 to 2.0, owners are expecting linearly 3.0 will arrive in Feb 2024, which is merely 7 months away. 😊
Comparing early Windows 3.11. (or so) and latest Lucid's OTA. Which one is worse?
From the outsider side, not a member of this fabulous forum, why would anyone purchase the car?
I know, the hardware is excellent, and the software is for shit.
Enough of soft ball playing on this site, trying to make excuses, I'm tried of playing this game.
Lucid's game.

Are we that gullible?
And Lucid, are you that trustworthy?
Lucid, you better shape up, or...go under.
Definitely not upset with the updates either, maybe some tweaks to the moving inside the lane for HW, but with tweaking it'll be great.

But so far loving the updates, I do wish Tidal has some more things like favorite, etc... but it's getting there slowly.
Anyone who lived through v1.x cannot be pissed off about updates. The whole rewrite to 2.0 is night and day and I, for one, am happy with the progress being made. Look at these 2.1 changes - Lucid actually listened to customer feedback and has started to implement some of the highly requested features. That being said, I would like Android Auto one of these days....
Oh yeah they need to make the “hands on the wheel” alert with Highway Assist less sensitive, and the LiDAR blocked error any time there’s rain or mist is a problem. Those are minor annoyances though.
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