Who else is pissed off about Lucid's updates?

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Every major software release I have seen done by Lucid has resulted in revisions over the coming days. This is not a great sign of software development in my humble opinion. Is the test case not exhaustive enough to catch simple things. Just recently they have this whole rear and entry exit thing.

Here are some examples that made my shake my head:
1) Scheduled charging release (one of their first major features to release), it does not work in first release, they have to patch it once customers say its not working.
Like this had to be a very basic software update here, you set a timer and some settings and it charges, its evident to me the QA lacked here.

2) Recent update: 10 revisions, why did we need 10 revisions, although the public say .3, .7, and .10, again another sign that the QA and testing of the feature is just not as robust as it should be.

Tell me how many software companies release that many revisions to the public. I guess Tesla FSD is close, but at least they're very blatant about it.

I am probably being a bit harsh, and being in the industry I have a very high standard for software that gets released, under my watch, these things would not be released.
You're comparing Apples and oranges here. Apple has strict control over every aspect of its hardware. Lucid does not. Apple makes its own CPUs now, and even elements such as screens that they still outsource they get from maybe two different vendors at most. Particularly throughout the pandemic, Lucid had to source hardware components from who knows how many different vendors just to be able to ship. Those variations cause real issues when you tie all the different versions of each component together. Now, try testing for every possible combination of hardware components, and you quickly see how much more difficult it is to avoid minor issues cropping up for a small percentage of units.

Add to this the fact a car's computer systems are a few orders of magnitude more complex than your phone, and you can easily see why minor revisions are a fact of life for Lucid.

I assure you Apple has just as many issues with their car software. The difference is they can afford to not show the world what they are working on until it's far more polished. They can wait until 2030 to ship a car. Lucid can't.

I agree with you Lucid have tons of room for improvement, but you are soooooo oversimplifying the problem and then suggesting throwing more money at it would solve everything. That's simply not the case.

Would more money help attract more talent? Yeah, wouldn't hurt. But I doubt we'd suddenly see perfect software as a result. And without a peek at Lucid's finances, we have no way of knowing how far Lucid can afford to bump salaries without suffering elsewhere. The money has to be pulled from some other area. Where do you think Lucid can afford to pay less? Should they cut salaries at the manufacturing plant? The design team? The sales staff? Advertising?

Like most Monday-morning quarterbacking, it's only revealing just how little knowledge we all have of the core issues. As I'm fond of saying on this forum, if you aren't in the room, you have no idea what these folks are up against.
When Lucid has the kind of presense and market share as Apple, then no doubt salaries will be higher. One has to take into account the specific circumstances of each company. Do you think Apple employees were making close to that before the company was turning huge profts?
Also a good point, Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy until Steve Jobs second coming with IMac and Ipod.
I had a friend who worked for many years during the early days of Tesla as a recruiter. He managed to hire a ton of top-level executives paying a fraction of what they had been making elsewhere. When you are small and scrappy, you may not have money to throw around, but there are plenty of other ways to entice people to come work for you. Lots of folks who already have more money than they could ever need are actively looking for jobs with more meaning.

This is what makes it so hard for the Apples and Googles of the world to hold on to their best talent. What do you offer the person who already changed the world with the first iPhone? iPhone 15? People like that want to have more impact.
Very good software engineers cost a lot of money. We get mid tier at best. I work in a top tier company we are called FANG now if Lucid wants to match FANG salary then they can have top tier but they won’t so you get mid tier. I would not expect apple Netflix or even Google type quality for Lucid until you see real high salary. Unfortunate that’s the world the one thing I would say is a lot of the fang let go of good engineers lucid should do more recruit on the software side
Lucid doesn’t pay poorly at all (I interviewed for them). The show stopped for me was 0 remote work culture. That’s a huge issue when trying to recruit top talent.
I had a friend who worked for many years during the early days of Tesla as a recruiter. He managed to hire a ton of top-level executives paying a fraction of what they had been making elsewhere. When you are small and scrappy, you may not have money to throw around, but there are plenty of other ways to entice people to come work for you. Lots of folks who already have more money than they could ever need are actively looking for jobs with more meaning.

This is what makes it so hard for the Apples and Googles of the world to hold on to their best talent. What do you offer the person who already changed the world with the first iPhone? iPhone 15? People like that want to have more impact.
These are great points but that pool is pretty small and usually that will install your leadership you still have to recruit the workers and people who just want to code. They need the Woz or similar to lead and bring about change. But its true sometimes money is not the motivation people seek but just impact. Good software usually comes form a visionary so who will that be for Lucid. We'll find out.
Lucid doesn’t pay poorly at all (I interviewed for them). The show stopped for me was 0 remote work culture. That’s a huge issue when trying to recruit top talent.
Most the FaNG is return to office as well, its just the new trend.
Most the FaNG is return to office as well, its just the new trend.
And they will lose lots of talent over their insistence on coming into the office. I agree with @thecodingart. It's already happening.

Remote is here to stay. Now that people have a taste for it, there's no going back. At the same time, I also get why companies like Apple and Google want their employees in a room together. I recently visited the office of one of my clients, and we solved issues in minutes that could have taken weeks if we hadn't been sitting next to each other. There are upsides and downsides to both.

A good number of people are not going to go back to an office at any price, though. And that's a good thing for other companies who can offer remote work. Spreads the talent around a bit.
But on that note, would a full remote, help improve Lucid talent pool and possibly software? Its intriguing if that's something they can do. Hopeful Lucid leadership reads this then.
Lucid doesn't have the luxury to throw money around. They have to have a balanced approach, until they establish themselves. The software improvements from the 1st release is tremendous. Regarding bugs, even Tesla has it's fair share...and I'm sure they spend much more on the software side. Remember the mighty VW ID roll out- software was TRASH. It still has bugs. You have to admit, Lucid did a better job than VW which has billions to throw around. Software fix is not an easy fix when you have limited resources. You cannot compare Apple with Lucid, Apple is a 2 trillion dollar company! Don't forget, Lucid has only been doing this less than 2 years!! I think they have done a fantastic job with the resources that they have!
Lucid doesn't have the luxury to throw money around. They have to have a balanced approach, until they establish themselves. The software improvements from the 1st release is tremendous. Regarding bugs, even Tesla has it's fair share...and I'm sure they spend much more on the software side. Remember the mighty VW ID roll out- software was TRASH. It still has bugs. You have to admit, Lucid did a better job than VW which has billions to throw around. Software fix is not an easy fix when you have limited resources. You cannot compare Apple with Lucid, Apple is a 2 trillion dollar company! Don't forget, Lucid has only been doing this less than 2 years!! I think they have done a fantastic job with the resources that they have!
I agree with everything you said except one thing… Apple is a THREE trillion dollar company! Lucid is 0.00057% the size of Apple.
Lucid doesn't have the luxury to throw money around. They have to have a balanced approach, until they establish themselves. The software improvements from the 1st release is tremendous. Regarding bugs, even Tesla has it's fair share...and I'm sure they spend much more on the software side. Remember the mighty VW ID roll out- software was TRASH. It still has bugs. You have to admit, Lucid did a better job than VW which has billions to throw around. Software fix is not an easy fix when you have limited resources. You cannot compare Apple with Lucid, Apple is a 2 trillion dollar company! Don't forget, Lucid has only been doing this less than 2 years!! I think they have done a fantastic job with the resources that they have!
I will give you that much VW Software is absolute trash and same goes for Porsche... so Lucid software wise is up there with Tesla, Rivian, and then I think Lucid.
This is the Apple, Android, Windows, MS dos talk lol.
I think most us would agree Apple is one of the top software and hardware companies and something Lucid is striving to be like so shouldn’t they pay as much as Apple wouldn’t that make sense ?
I strive to be like a top PGA pro, so shouldn't get paid like one?
I agree with everything you said except one thing… Apple is a THREE trillion dollar company! Lucid is 0.00057% the size of Apple.
All the more reason for Apple to buy them!!! Lucid can develop the drivetrain HW/tech, Apple can bring the SW.
Comparing early Windows 3.11. (or so) and latest Lucid's OTA. Which one is worse?
From the outsider side, not a member of this fabulous forum, why would anyone purchase the car?
I know, the hardware is excellent, and the software is for shit.
Enough of soft ball playing on this site, trying to make excuses, I'm tried of playing this game.eare
Lucid's game.e

Are we that gullible?er
And Lucid, are you that trustworthy?
Lucid, you better shape up, or...go under.
Nice diatribe but no real facts. No specific examples of the "for s... software". No examples of what specific improvements are needed. Having been in the software industry for over fifty years I have seen the good and bad. Lucid is taking a prudent approach to evolving their software platform. They certainly need to improve their communications with their owner base but their measured approach to development and release of system upgrades is the way to go.
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