Well said.
Key statement you made: "distinguishing between people asking for suggestions and minuscule group who complain is very important".
Very important yet very challenging.
Your post gets at the main challenge with most online forums;
intent, perspective, and reason for participation.
The reasons people are on this forum can range from
they love their Lucid, are shareholders, and want to share their experiences as well has help others like them or potential owners to
they enjoy trolling whether for themselves or as part of an affiliation with a competing brand. And then you have all the reasons in between. Such as "I don't feel like reading the owner's manual to try to solve my issue or I shouldn't have to, so I'm just gonna ask or vent my frustration". Distinguishing the people and their intentions sometimes takes deciding to let the conversation play out through multiple posts or not. Letting the conversation play out can be rewarding, but sometimes disappointing. You can't get back that time with a troll.
Long live the Lucidowners.com forum!!!
@DrLucid I hope things go well with the home minister and logic wins.