V2V charging


Active Member
Verified Owner
Aug 13, 2021
San Diego
Air Grand Touring
Has anyone asked and received any information about V2V charging? The Lucid is capable of doing it although I don’t know if it baked into the software yet. I also wanted to find out if Lucid has a V2V charging EVSE. Does anyone have information?

The reason is that I would like to have a cable around for our Leaf. Currently if we run low on electrons, we have to plug it in during the day and paying through the nose for high electricity rates If both cars are needed or drive the ICE. That might happen 1-2 times per month. In those cases, I would love to be able to give a short charge at home from the Lucid, say 5-10 kW and then jus5 charge both vehicles up at night when it is cheaper.
Has anyone asked and received any information about V2V charging? The Lucid is capable of doing it although I don’t know if it baked into the software yet. I also wanted to find out if Lucid has a V2V charging EVSE. Does anyone have information?

The reason is that I would like to have a cable around for our Leaf. Currently if we run low on electrons, we have to plug it in during the day and paying through the nose for high electricity rates If both cars are needed or drive the ICE. That might happen 1-2 times per month. In those cases, I would love to be able to give a short charge at home from the Lucid, say 5-10 kW and then jus5 charge both vehicles up at night when it is cheaper.
I am very much interested as well. However, given all the software glitches, I suspect it has been moved to the back of the bus. Lucid made a bid deal of this in the early PR days so you would think Lucid would do a one up on Tesla and Porsche but that does not seem to be the case. I would love to see a commercial where a Tesla Owner is stuck in the middle of the Night in the rain. A lucid stops, connects and saves the day.