Turning off Bluetooth while in CarPlay fixes audio not working


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Nov 23, 2022
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Air GT, Zenith Red, 21"
I think I have resolved a problem I have been having on CarPlay for a while now.

Basically, when using CarPlay it would always connect when I entered the car just fine and show up on the screen or with the relevant icon. However, I often listen to Dolby Atmos on Todal and found that if I switch to CarPlay the audio wouldn't switch over most of the time. Just silence.

However, if I turn off bluetooth it works perfectly. It's as if when CarPlay kicks on it does not disconnect the bluetooth source. I am not sure if this is Lucids implementation or the way it is suppose to work. Ideally, I want to use the WiFi connection of CarPlay for the better audio experience, and if calls come in it also requires this to work anyway.

I have resolved the issue by using iOS Shortcuts to disable bluetooth on CarPlay connection and then enable again on Disconnect. Now it works 100% of the time for me. Just feels like a bit of a hack I shouldn't need to do.

Any others have thoughts on this?
Are you sure it’s just not selecting the wrong audio source?

See bobby’s many posts on how to switch audio source for CarPlay. It seems to get confused and chooses Lucid___ instead of CarPlay for the audio output.

In any event, Shortcuts is an interesting way to solve the issue. Disabling Bluetooth would take the Lucid____ source away, thus leaving CarPlay as the only output option. I may try this as a workaround.

Of course, then the entire time you are driivng you have no Bluetooth connection. So no communication with your Apple Watch or any other Bluetooth devices, which is not ideal.

I hope they can get to the bottom of this bug soon.
Yes it could well be the wrong audio source selection, but while I am driving I need the phone working correctly and not have to think about it. This resolves the issue for me everytime. While I am driving CarPlay keeps me informed of what I need and it is not disabling the cars bluetooth but rather just on the phone thats using CarPlay, so a pretty solid solution, even if it is a hack.
Are you sure it’s just not selecting the wrong audio source?

See bobby’s many posts on how to switch audio source for CarPlay. It seems to get confused and chooses Lucid___ instead of CarPlay for the audio output.

In any event, Shortcuts is an interesting way to solve the issue. Disabling Bluetooth would take the Lucid____ source away, thus leaving CarPlay as the only output option. I may try this as a workaround.

Of course, then the entire time you are driivng you have no Bluetooth connection. So no communication with your Apple Watch or any other Bluetooth devices, which is not ideal.

I hope they can get to the bottom of this bug soon.
Hi could you point me to the posts by Bobby you are referring to regarding audio source ? Thanks !
Check out this thread for my most recent CarPlay audio “fix.” This happened to me rarely to begin with, but I made this shortcut mostly to help others.
