The API shows a value named "battery health level". What is it?

These are from whenever the car was last awake. Interesting to watch while preconditioning or charging.
I confirm, just check a few minutes ago, after a 30 minutes pre-conditionning (via app) the min cell t°went from -6°c bat t° to +2°c (outside -8°c from cold -12°c night), so it works and I recover full speed recharge capabilities (no blue restriction on the charging page) but at those outside temp, 30 minutes is not enough to recover full REGEN CHARGING. Still have a blue mark on the battery shown in cluster + mesage). Then I recharge with my home 11kw charger from 54% to 69% (about 1hr 10min) and now bat t° has peak at 13°c. All good to go
Bottom line, with cold (Canadian like) winter we need to know those number to maximize range before leaving on a trip. And if I don't go too far I think it is a good battery care habit.
I just came here to look at this type of thread. I took my 2022 GT with 50k miles in for a hood thing and they told me they were replacing the battery. They told me that some VINs for 2022 were getting replaced but could not/would not tell me why. I just checked the link above and it says my battery is at 91.4%. How would that compare with others around the same year or miles? Anyone else have the batteries replaced without reason? Any hypothesis as to why they are replacing? Thanks!
I am at 95.9 with 22 AGT with 24k miles.
I just came here to look at this type of thread. I took my 2022 GT with 50k miles in for a hood thing and they told me they were replacing the battery. They told me that some VINs for 2022 were getting replaced but could not/would not tell me why. I just checked the link above and it says my battery is at 91.4%. How would that compare with others around the same year or miles? Anyone else have the batteries replaced without reason? Any hypothesis as to why they are replacing? Thanks!
My 2023 Touring starting throwing "Drive System Warning" and Lucid replaced the battery. I had 22k miles. The SC said that it was a "Module Imbalance"

Before replacement, the Battery Health was 95.6% .. it also said I had an 84kWh Battery Capacity

After replacement, the Battery Health was 99.9% and 89kWh Capacity. I'm back to 384 mile range at 100% SOC
Our car: 2022 Dream Edition Performance
31,709 miles
HV battery pack and rear drive unit replaced in mid-2024

API data:

Field 4, capacity_kwhr: 106.68999761529267
Field 11, battery_health_level: 94.3000014051795
Field 16, battery_cell_type: BATTERY_CELL_TYPE_SDI_50G (2)

This confirms the HV pack was remanufactured with the Samsung cells (SDI) as in the original 118-kWh pack.

Assuming the nominal 118-kWh was used in this calculation, it would indicate the battery currently has about 90.4% of its original capacity. Yet it shows a battery health level just over 94.3. Does this mean "battery health" is not the degradation percentage, or the 118-kWh nominal is not the pack's actual capacity?
My almost new 25 Pure (Built October 2024, bought at the tail end of December) shows a battery health of 96.5 - kind of annoying…
I just came here to look at this type of thread. I took my 2022 GT with 50k miles in for a hood thing and they told me they were replacing the battery. They told me that some VINs for 2022 were getting replaced but could not/would not tell me why. I just checked the link above and it says my battery is at 91.4%. How would that compare with others around the same year or miles? Anyone else have the batteries replaced without reason? Any hypothesis as to why they are replacing? Thanks!
I wonder if they just want the battery back to examine it for testing, engineering validation on degradation.