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Verified Owner
Jul 8, 2023
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Lucid Air Pure
Are sw updates downloaded via home wifi or through the car's wireless? I've had my car a month and in the past month my home wireless usage has spiked significantly, it's doubled, which is costing me more with my ISP. I attribute this to the car but can't confirm yet.
Are sw updates downloaded via home wifi or through the car's wireless? I've had my car a month and in the past month my home wireless usage has spiked significantly, it's doubled, which is costing me more with my ISP. I attribute this to the car but can't confirm yet.
The car will use whatever the fastest network it can find. If you have WiFi, it will definitely use that, both to upload and download data.

Some updates are multiple GB, so it’s not unsurprising your usage is going up by that much. If you don’t want that, you can turn off WiFi in the car. Or just “forget” your home network.

Updates may take much longer to download that way, however.
Are sw updates downloaded via home wifi or through the car's wireless? I've had my car a month and in the past month my home wireless usage has spiked significantly, it's doubled, which is costing me more with my ISP. I attribute this to the car but can't confirm yet.
WiFi if it’s active, internal cell if WiFi is off.
Thank you. You confirmed what I suspected. Think I'll take the car off the home wifi and see what happens.
Are sw updates downloaded via home wifi or through the car's wireless? I've had my car a month and in the past month my home wireless usage has spiked significantly, it's doubled, which is costing me more with my ISP. I attribute this to the car but can't confirm yet.
Home WiFi isn't a flat monthly fee?
Not exactly. There is a limit that if you exceed you're charged extra, unless you have an unlimited plan.
Not exactly. There is a limit that if you exceed you're charged extra, unless you have an unlimited plan.
I thought in the word of today's steaming services since most have "cut the cord" these providers switched to unlimited home plans.
I thought in the word of today's steaming services since most have "cut the cord" these providers switched to unlimited home plans.
In major cities, many are on cable or fiber, yeah. But in a lot of places that infrastructure still doesn’t exist, so it’s back to DSL, satellite, or cellular. TMobile and others have “home internet” setups that use a cellular modem, and they aren’t all unlimited.
In major cities, many are on cable or fiber, yeah. But in a lot of places that infrastructure still doesn’t exist, so it’s back to DSL, satellite, or cellular. TMobile and others have “home internet” setups that use a cellular modem, and they aren’t all unlimited.
Thanks for the explanation.
To set the record straight. I've been on cable, ie - Comcast, Ameritech ADSL before that. for a long time. Presently I have over a 1.2 TB of internet data per month, that's a lot or so I thought until the Lucid showed up. I'm trying to understand why my internet usage doubled in July, and the month's not over, and how to avoid additional internet fees in the future. I would hate to pay more for unlimited just too satisfy the data appetite of a car.
To set the record straight. I've been on cable, ie - Comcast, Ameritech ADSL before that. for a long time. Presently I have over a 1.2 TB of internet data per month, that's a lot or so I thought until the Lucid showed up. I'm trying to understand why my internet usage doubled in July, and the month's not over, and how to avoid additional internet fees in the future. I would hate to pay more for unlimited just too satisfy the data appetite of a car.
I would treat it as the cost of doing business for the peace of mind.
To set the record straight. I've been on cable, ie - Comcast, Ameritech ADSL before that. for a long time. Presently I have over a 1.2 TB of internet data per month, that's a lot or so I thought until the Lucid showed up. I'm trying to understand why my internet usage doubled in July, and the month's not over, and how to avoid additional internet fees in the future. I would hate to pay more for unlimited just too satisfy the data appetite of a car.
As a datapoint, my Lucid has uploaded/downloaded a total of 12GB of data in July, it’s big but doesn’t explain doubling of data on your side.
To set the record straight. I've been on cable, ie - Comcast, Ameritech ADSL before that. for a long time. Presently I have over a 1.2 TB of internet data per month, that's a lot or so I thought until the Lucid showed up. I'm trying to understand why my internet usage doubled in July, and the month's not over, and how to avoid additional internet fees in the future. I would hate to pay more for unlimited just too satisfy the data appetite of a car.
Just one thing to note since it looks like you’re on Comcast - if you switch to Comcast business (which still serves residential) you get SLAs (guaranteed uptime and reimbursement if it goes down) and no data caps.

It’s slightly more expensive, but basically solves ~every problem with Comcast. It can still go down (and sometimes does) but at least you get some compensation.