Rear emergency braking unavailable


Active Member
Verified Owner
Dec 8, 2023
BMW M4, Audi S4, Alfa 73
I'm getting a warning "Rear emergency Breaking Unavailable". See the enclosed picture. A reboot of the car does not clear it. I showed up only when we went to back the car up out of the garage.

Does anyone know what this means?

I contacted service, who had no idea, and I am waiting for Milbrea to call back.



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Did you recently do an update? I recall seeing that a corrupt update caused this issue and that service re-downloaded the update to fix it.
Yes, but a week or so ago. Seems odd it would take so long to show?
Yes, but a week or so ago. Seems odd it would take so long to show?
Man you seem to hit all the unusual, one off bugs. Maybe lucid should hire you or your car rather for QA testing 😂
yup, and no call from Millbrae. We love driving the car, when it runs, but we're about done.
yup, and no call from Millbrae. We love driving the car, when it runs, but we're about done.
Just a random thought - try ensuring the sensors and camera on the back are clean? Otherwise, yeah, service.

You’ve really seen more issues than I ever have :/
Shot in the dark, but have you tried turning off Cross Traffic Protection and then gone into reverse? I'd be curious if you still got the warning.
I just got in today for the first time since and the warning is gone. I have not contacted service. I have seen some stuff over 39k miles and this is low-threat for me haha. It drives fine and I can hear the whine of the e-brake when I put it in park. I’m satisfied that I’m safe. If it returns, I’ll message CS. Is your persisting?
How timely - I've just starting getting this, too. It began last week as I was backing out of the garage. Went away instantly, though. Since there are no drivability issues, I've just chalked it up to software or at worst, a sensor starting to go bad.
Thank you -- My wife was nervous about it, so I whipped all the rear sensors (thank you borski) and took it out today. The error cleared. The car seems fine.
This warning began appearing for me yesterday. Backing out of a parking spot, as well as out of my garage.