RESOLVED Rattle / creaking under car


New Member
Apr 8, 2023
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Lucid Air Touring
Driving into work today suddenly noticed a oud rattle / creaking sound that appears to be coming from under the car. It sounds like some this loose down there. The sound is worse when going over bumps, isn’t regular so I don’t think it’s the tires. The car drives fine, but the noise is quite disturbing. Has that happened to anyone? I have a call out to Lucid service, but haven’t heard back from them yet. 1500 miles on the car, not quite 2 months old.
Driving into work today suddenly noticed a oud rattle / creaking sound that appears to be coming from under the car. It sounds like some this loose down there. The sound is worse when going over bumps, isn’t regular so I don’t think it’s the tires. The car drives fine, but the noise is quite disturbing. Has that happened to anyone? I have a call out to Lucid service, but haven’t heard back from them yet. 1500 miles on the car, not quite 2 months old.
I get a scraping sound when I hit some bumps
Driving into work today suddenly noticed a oud rattle / creaking sound that appears to be coming from under the car. It sounds like some this loose down there. The sound is worse when going over bumps, isn’t regular so I don’t think it’s the tires. The car drives fine, but the noise is quite disturbing. Has that happened to anyone? I have a call out to Lucid service, but haven’t heard back from them yet. 1500 miles on the car, not quite 2 months old.
That's definitely unusual. Have you looked under the car to see if anything is loose?
I recently had a rattling sound that occurred when going over a bump at moderate speeds. Seemed to come from front left wheel. While car was in shop for recent recall, they took a look at it and found a rock behind the rotor dust shield that they removed. Fixed the problem.
I recently had a rattling sound that occurred when going over a bump at moderate speeds. Seemed to come from front left wheel. While car was in shop for recent recall, they took a look at it and found a rock behind the rotor dust shield that they removed. Fixed the problem.
This would be great :)

I've looked under the car and don't see anything. Felt around the wheel wells and don't feel anything loose. Still waiting for an appointment, will update.
This would be great :)

I've looked under the car and don't see anything. Felt around the wheel wells and don't feel anything loose. Still waiting for an appointment, will update.
Technicians had it on a lift (when they pulled the battery apart) and looked and didn't see anything. They had to remove the rotor dust shield.
That was not a good answer from a person who wants to keep working for a living
What? Fire me, lol

But I meant it: the slower you go over bumps the less likely you are to scrape on them.
I don't know if this may be a similar issue regarding the creaking, but I wanted to share to the forum what my issue was and how they resolved it. A little worrisome that nuts are loose on a brand new car with less than 1500 miles but hey, solvable.

update: service center found a loose nut on the suspension arm, which they have tightened. Similar to owners on this thread, which I just found.

I had a sort of creak/squeal/screech type sound every time I drove the car that seemed to be coming from the center console area. While they were here last week doing my annual inspection, changing a tire out due to a bulge, adjusting the driver's door and a couple other service bulletins, the tech heard it and decided to do some investigating. He appears to have found it and corrected it. Evidently, the AC compressor is held in place by two bolts on the front end, but by a pin inserted into a slot on the back side. The pin has a rubber sleeve/boot around it to keep the compressor for rattling and secure without being hard anchored. That sleeve/boot had come off and he was able to actually find it below the compressor somewhere. He put it all back together as it should have been and I have not noticed the sound since.
I had a VERY similar phenomenon this week. I had a rattle/creaking sound that seemed to be coming from under the car on the driver side and was most obvious over any sort of bump in the road. My AGT is a little over 7k miles.

Mobile service came out, found that the anti-roll bar connection was loose on the front driver side. Replaced and tightened the lock nut. Problem solved. Once again a positive experience with mobile service here in Austin.