Prescott AZ EE

What color / interior design did you choose to confirm with?
Got the email to confirm my order today for the AGT. I test drive tomorrow in Scottsdale. They think a July delivery.
Welcome to the board. There are quite a few of us from AZ, but you are the first, I think, from Prescott.
Welcome to the board. There are quite a few of us from AZ, but you are the first, I think, from Prescott.
Yup, they say I need the 19” wheels up here since they are the only ones compatible with all season tires. Looking forward to Prescott to LA drives without stopping.
Yup, they say I need the 19” wheels up here since they are the only ones compatible with all season tires. Looking forward to Prescott to LA drives without stopping.
I love Prescott, so definitely game to drive mine up there whenever I get it!