Possible heat-related charging issue?

to counter balance this, I also recently returned from a 2k road trip and other than 2 EA chargers that did not do plug n charge, I used the ap to get the charge started, I did not encounter any other issues at EA units. I have made numerous long distance trips in the past and have had issues with EA but for me the EA network has improved and other than congestion at some chargers my experience on this past trip has been very positive.

I, too, had an improved experience with EA on the trip before this -- something about which I posted at the time.

What both your experience and our recent trip demonstrates is that the EA network is unstable. Sometimes it works reliably, and sometimes it doesn't. And I'm not talking about a single location on a given day. I'm talking about an experience over multiple days across a region.

That's actually little comfort when contemplating a trip.

As much as I've come to dislike Tesla, in the nine years we've been driving them on road trips we've had fewer problems cumulatively charging them than we had on this one trip using Electrify America. About the only problem we ever encounter at a Supercharger is waiting for a space.

Unfortunately, I have low expectations for NACS given the games Musk is likely to play with it, particularly when it comes to Lucid and his enmity for Peter Rawlinson. Maybe efforts by the likes of Ford and Mercedes will do something to improve the situation.
Thanks for the detailed report. You may be on to something significant.
I'm in Az but only charge at home so don't have any further insight. Level 2 charging with ambient temp up to 110 has seemed to be OK.
You mentioned API measuring the battery temp. I want to learn how to do this. Can you expand on it? Thanks.

Post in thread 'Lucid API' https://lucidowners.com/threads/lucid-api.7286/post-172872

Here's a link to the github page and related forum post for the API, in which you will find a link named "testmycode.cc". Essentially, you'll just log in with your Lucid account info and it'll display all sorts of data from your car. Below is an example of what the page will look like after logging in.

I ran a little test this morning to see what temperature the battery pack went to during preconditioning. Below is the chart from Home Assistant. Most batteries charge fastest when in the mid 80 degree range so this 93 degrees is slightly above this. I am not sure what it would do when heating but it appears that preconditioning is looking for a low 90 degree battery temperature when cooling. In the chart below, I turned on preconditioning just after 8:00 AM.

Out of curiosity... Does Home Assistant somehow link to the car's systems to get those temperatures? If so, how and earth did you know how to do that?
Out of curiosity... Does Home Assistant somehow link to the car's systems to get those temperatures? If so, how and earth did you know how to do that?

I did not do it but a couple of members that are smarter than me did @segbrk and @borski