OTA 2.1.52 and new GPS issues


Verified Owner
Dec 3, 2022
Reaction score
Lucid Air Grand Touring
I’ve observed a weird glitch in the GPS system after receiving OTA 2.1.52 where twice now the GPS has drifted off position by what looks like a few tens of yards. My passenger got a photo of the display the first time (2024-02-10) in which the car thinks it’s on a side street parallel to the freeway I’m actually on. The first time I logo-reset the car, while the second time the GPS sorted itself out after I parked and later returned to the car.

Loss of GPS in the first case caused the car to drop out of highway assist, which was a little disconcerting. If it happens a third time I probably should file a service request.

Anyone else observe this?

- T


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I’d file the bug now - it’s happened twice and is unusual; I haven’t seen it before or heard of it, and those are my streets. :)
I’ve had this happen when first loading navigation in the setting of poor connectivity signal. For what it’s worth I’ve had WAZE do something similar when first starting a route and having a poor signal. It’s rare but I have seen it. Did it eventually figure out where you were at or did it persist and think you were on a side road for many miles?
On my LUCID the issue I have is with the IOS APP, it believes the car is somewhere else or thinks is out of range. The GPS itself knows where it is, but is not reporting back to LUCID where it actually is... Is in service now getting looked at...
Ah, this may require a GPS module reset. It thought my car was in the ocean.
I’ve had this happen but it was long before the last update. I think it has to do with connectivity issues though as I saw it on my Tesla every so often when driving the same areas.
A year ago I brought my Lucid to Florida on Amtrak. When the train got to Sanford FL, the app was telling me it was in Georgia - which made me a little concerned. Eventually it came off the train. Reboots didn't help it. Contacted Service and I think they did something remotely and it's been fine since.
Maybe related maybe not, but I saw a somewhat similar issue. I didn’t get automatically re-routed on my last two trips (photos from each direction).

Another thing I noticed is I tried a trip to charge and preconditioning didn’t start. When that happened, I started investigating. I noticed there is a struck through cloud in the lower “My Route” box. Maybe this has something to do with it?

Settings all looked normal and cell service was good.


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