Mercedes Benz VISION completes 621 mile journey

Well, if Lucid can’t deliver my car by the time this is released, then I finally have a second range option.
Does any one remember what the original Taycan posted for range and what it finally came to?

I believe the current estimation is 280 miles*

*probably with no AC, radio, or any other battery consuming features
Travelled 621 miles on a single charge. 750 miles is the goal.

"Routine traffic" is a meaningless term. We were told a little bit about temperature but not about how fast the car was driven, how often it had to stop and start vs. cruising and elevation changes. And, as jiejelow noted, what about AC, etc.
"Routine traffic" is a meaningless term. We were told a little bit about temperature but not about how fast the car was driven, how often it had to stop and start vs. cruising and elevation changes. And, as jiejelow noted, what about AC, etc.
Average speed was 54 mph.
Wouldn’t Lucid Air GT travel 520/0.75 (EPA factor) = 693 miles on a similar test?
Ok, Who on the board is willing to drive for a few days on flat ground, no wind, no AC at 54mph to beat out MB? 😊
Ok, Who on the board is willing to drive for a few days on flat ground, no wind, no AC at 54mph to beat out MB? 😊
I'll do it if you lend me your car and a she-wee for the trip
Well, I have not received my VIN yet for my AGT so……