Massive Tesla Reddit Auto-ban happening


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Feb 28, 2022
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So. Cal
Air Touring, Rivian R1S
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Well, it seems like if you make ANY type of post or comment on the reddit sub RealTesla, the mods of the subs CyberTruck, TeslaMotors and TeslaLounge are auto banning you. I posted a response to one of the threads commenting if the auto sites (i.e. AutoBlog, Jalopnik, etc) were going to call out this behavior as a violation of Reddit's rules and in 1.5 seconds, I was auto banned from the aforementioned subs. I didn't post anything negative about the Tesla brand or Musk, and only called out the behavior. This doesn't bode well for Reddit now that they are a publicly traded company to slowly turn into Twitter (no, I am not going to call it X). Hopefully the mods of the Lucid sub on Reddit learn from this and don't start this massive auto ban behavior for those that post on other subs.
this is nothing new for the tesla forums, if you weren't a 100% fan boi you ran the risk of being banned, I am an OG tesla guy and ran afoul of them by pointing out some realities that were deemed by them to be negative.
I thought things changed as tesla became less of a cultish car when they sold so many model 3s to become more mainstream.
It boggles my mind of all Musk haters.
Why, because he purchased Twitter?
Let's call a spade a spade. If not for Musk, Lucid most likely wouldn't exist.
It boggles my mind of all Musk haters.
Why, because he purchased Twitter?
Let's call a spade a spade. If not for Musk, Lucid most likely wouldn't exist.
No. That’s not why people dislike Musk, and I don’t want to turn this into a thread about him, so let’s not.

But you and I both know it isn’t because “Musk purchased Twitter.”

Also, the argument of “if not for Musk, Lucid wouldn’t exist” is specious at best. Tesla existed pre-Musk. He was not a founder. He invested in the company and then kicked out the CEO because they couldn’t get along, later getting sued for it.

Elon founded the first time with some buddies. Then he kicked them all out because he can’t get along with anyone. Then Confinity bought, which is what made Elon rich. Except Elon was ousted out of PayPal too while on his honeymoon, and Peter Thiel (the founder of Confinity, later renamed PayPal) became CEO.

Later, he founded OpenAI with some buddies, promising to fund it with $1B. Then when they didn’t make him CEO or sell the company to Tesla because “that was their best and only path forward”, he bounced along with his promise of $1B.

But you’re probably right. It’s probably not him. It’s probably everyone else.
Well, it seems like if you make ANY type of post or comment on the reddit sub RealTesla, the mods of the subs CyberTruck, TeslaMotors and TeslaLounge are auto banning you. I posted a response to one of the threads commenting if the auto sites (i.e. AutoBlog, Jalopnik, etc) were going to call out this behavior as a violation of Reddit's rules and in 1.5 seconds, I was auto banned from the aforementioned subs. I didn't post anything negative about the Tesla brand or Musk, and only called out the behavior. This doesn't bode well for Reddit now that they are a publicly traded company to slowly turn into Twitter (no, I am not going to call it X). Hopefully the mods of the Lucid sub on Reddit learn from this and don't start this massive auto ban behavior for those that post on other subs.
Subreddits are better thought of as their own separate little fiefdoms, in my experience. Your experience with one can be *vastly* different from another.
Well, it seems like if you make ANY type of post or comment on the reddit sub RealTesla, the mods of the subs CyberTruck, TeslaMotors and TeslaLounge are auto banning you. I posted a response to one of the threads commenting if the auto sites (i.e. AutoBlog, Jalopnik, etc) were going to call out this behavior as a violation of Reddit's rules and in 1.5 seconds, I was auto banned from the aforementioned subs. I didn't post anything negative about the Tesla brand or Musk, and only called out the behavior. This doesn't bode well for Reddit now that they are a publicly traded company to slowly turn into Twitter (no, I am not going to call it X). Hopefully the mods of the Lucid sub on Reddit learn from this and don't start this massive auto ban behavior for those that post on other subs.
If anything, we let way too many stupid posts through.
It boggles my mind of all Musk haters.
Why, because he purchased Twitter?
Let's call a spade a spade. If not for Musk, Lucid most likely wouldn't exist.
I hate him, he should stay out of politics, keep his opinions to himself, stop lying about timelines for his products, be upfront about FSD, stop misogynistic and antisemitic comments, stop commenting about his competitors…..why would anyone like him, except if they bought a load of TSLA?

And swearing to his advertisers on video is NOT COOL!