Lucid software issues

My car's software needs further improvement, but is certainly not horrible. It is a wonderful car to be in and drive even with its current quirks.
My car must be the exception. My only issue is the 360 view sometimes not appear for 10+ seconds.
I can add:
Mirrors failing to tuck in when car locks
Rear sun screen failing to automatically return to upright position after car changes from reverse to drive or only rising half way and stopping
No internet/vehicle offline even when it should be on my home WiFi---I am back to carrying the key fob to make sure I can unlock the car.
Pilot panel and top right console panel going blank while driving
Pilot panel frozen, unresponsive to touch
No sounds in vehicle. ( After 2 soft reset attempts and 1 valet card reset attempt I used the forbidden reset to cure this issue.) Has happened 3 times since 2.0.50.
The last 3 issues required immediate attention and forced me to pull off the road. The first time that I had no sounds, I thought it was just that the entertainment console sounds were not working, which happens from time to time. It wasn't until I used my now silent turn signal that I realized it was a bigger problem. These software bugs range from slightly annoying to comfort and safety issues.

Trunk issue was part of my December service visit, but remains an open repair ticket, as they did not have parts available and I did not want to be in a rental for weeks waiting for the parts to arrive. It happened again 3 days ago. When I need to have service on the vehicle, I will have the trunk repair completed.
Also, I have an issue with the driver side door locking with the handle extended. The door will not unlock via the app or a reset. I found this can only be remedied by using the mechanical door opener inside the vehicle. Probably a sensor issue.

I completely agree with your first paragraph.
Did you see your pilot panel reboot after the valet reset? I had issues with the muted audio, silent blinker and it resolved after a "proper" reset. I tried the reset many times to get this resolved but it did not get resolved until the pilot panel rebooted.

Please try doing a reboot using the fob (blinker on, close using the fob and keep the fob in a faraday pouch/ far away from the car and don't open the car for at least 30 min) - this worked for me.

Hope that helps resolve the audio and pilot panel issues
My car must be the exception. My only issue is the 360 view sometimes not appear for 10+ seconds.
Maybe, but I’ll bet most have no problems, I just reached 1000 miles and my GT is ( with the exception of software that I would like to be redesigned or significantly expanded to be more functional) the car has been near perfect. I say near, because three or four times I’ve had to do a valet card reset to get things to unfreeze, but I really see that as no problem, I’m not diminishing people who have had serious and real problems with functionality or drivetrain or anything else, I’m just saying I’ve never experienced one issue that didn’t work the way Lucid has designed it to work so far. I absolutely love driving the car, I’ve owned a lot of high-end cars, and this is among the very best driving one I’ve ever owned, I wish it had software features even coming close to my BMW I X, which I think is an incredibly great piece of software engineering, but I think Lucid will get there.
Did you see your pilot panel reboot after the valet reset? I had issues with the muted audio, silent blinker and it resolved after a "proper" reset. I tried the reset many times to get this resolved but it did not get resolved until the pilot panel rebooted.

Please try doing a reboot using the fob (blinker on, close using the fob and keep the fob in a faraday pouch/ far away from the car and don't open the car for at least 30 min) - this worked for me.

Hope that helps resolve the audio and pilot panel issues
The blinker has no bearing on the reset. It just lets you know that enough time has gone by for the contactors to shut off and the car to go to sleep. Doing a key card reset is the exact same thing, except it disables proximity sensing for a period of time so you don’t need to worry about the whole faraday pouch thing.
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The blinker has no bearing on the reset. It just lets you know that enough time is gone by for the contactors to shut off and the car to go to sleep. Doing a key card reset is the exact same thing, except it disables proximity sensing for a period of time so you don’t need to worry about the whole faraday pouch thing.
Thanks.. That was the mistake I was making the the first few weeks. I was opening the car immediately after the blinkers stopped and was expecting the reset to complete.
Thanks for posting. I'm a big fan of my car. Best driving car I have owned, and I've had quite a few (my list is somewhere on this forum). That said, it needs work in the software department.

1. The moderators are always compiling a list of KNOWN BUGS (which is different that SOFTWARE REQUESTS that are included in the MEGA-POLL). I truly hope Lucid is paying attention and is working on these. If you would like to contribute, please message me directly and I'll include the item. Please be specific. So far we have:
• camera unavailable/lag
• EA handshake inconsistent
• Corner radar errors/faults around metal buildings
• Poor handoff between WiFi and cellular interrupts music stream
• Repeated speed limit updates when speed limit is not changing
• HA steering not pausing to allow lane change with turn signal until after 3 blinks
• Navigation not selecting fastest route
• Occasional long delay for pilot panel to come on
• Unlocking/locking unreliable and inconsistent
• Key antenna does not work from back of car.,. approaching the car from the back requires user to walk around to the side to wake car before using truck button.
• Doors locking while standing next to the car after loading something in the back seat before I can get into the driver's seat. Unsafe when loading a baby
• Occasional error in efficiency calculation since last charge, readings of 0 or 6.2 are examples
• Alexa "Something went wrong" for no apparent reason
• Profile system unclear in its use and often completely fails
2. There's no accurate "little birdies." The one in the thread you reference predicted CarPlay by the end of January, but was wrong (I'm writing this in February).
3. I haven't seen the trunk issue you mention. Have you contacted service regarding it? Since you are the first, I suspect it is mechanical as opposed to software. Please let me know the outcome.
4. I always recommend doing a reboot after any update. I usually use the keycard variant and walk away for at least 20 minutes.

@Bobby. Could you also add the following: car doesn’t automatically pair up with smartphone. Every time I get into my car, I have to get into the centre panel to pair up my phone before I can make phone calls, take phone calls, or talk to Siri.

@Bobby. Could you also add the following: car doesn’t automatically pair up with smartphone. Every time I get into my car, I have to get into the centre panel to pair up my phone before I can make phone calls, take phone calls, or talk to Siri.

That’s the first I’ve seen of that one. Have you tried deleting the Bluetooth item from the phone itself and starting over?
That’s the first I’ve seen of that one. Have you tried deleting the Bluetooth item from the phone itself and starting over?

No, I haven’t. I haven’t gone anywhere near that function since my SA in Costa Mesa first paired up my car to my phone.

Frank is coming to my house tomorrow. Maybe I’ll have him walk me through it. I’m too much of a befuddled boomer to try it myself.