Lucid Mobile App 1.36.0


Referral Code - MX1KDTYY
Verified Owner
Supporting Member
May 1, 2022
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
Air Touring
Referral Code
Added support for Saudi Arabia. No other release notes.
Also noticed this.

What the...
I was never clear on what Google Assistant did in the Lucid App. I don’t generally use Google stuff. Can someone elaborate?
I was never clear on what Google Assistant did in the Lucid App. I don’t generally use Google stuff. Can someone elaborate?
Mine never worked even when I followed their examples. GA would reply "I'm not familiar with this request." 🤷
Mine never worked even when I followed their examples. GA would reply "I'm not familiar with this request." 🤷
It would only work if the car was awake.
I guess the death of Google Assistant could be a very interesting indicator as far as the future is concerned... Hi there it could be an entree to forthcoming Android auto since it's integrated into Android auto or it could be the total death of all Android support as far as bells and whistles I guess no one really knows we'll have to see.....
I guess the death of Google Assistant could be a very interesting indicator as far as the future is concerned... Hi there it could be an entree to forthcoming Android auto since it's integrated into Android auto or it could be the total death of all Android support as far as bells and whistles I guess no one really knows we'll have to see.....
It's definitely not the death of Android Auto.

Google is also just getting much tighter and shutting down many integrations in general. For example, see