Waymo is truly amazing. I live in Tempe, where interacting with these vehicles happens every day, and I have come to the point of actually seeking them out when I have a choice. Get behind one at a traffic light. When the light turns green, it moves right away. What? Not finishing that text? On the road, it travels dead center in the lane. What? Not looking elsewhere or reading an email and drifting all over the place? It's fast, dead nuts accurate, signals turns, doesn't run lights, and is reliable as hell. Now, throw it a curve, like a non functioning left turn lane sensor, and it will sit there ad nauseum, but I can live with that. It won't shoot me in a fit of rage either.
I think the world will be a better place, and accident/insurance rates should drop dramatically, when many drivers have access to at least some of this technology. I hope that, rather than having so many auto makers reinvent the wheel, something like Waymo technology will be easily accessible (and adaptable) for use by companies like Lucid.
Oops, I just remembered that Waymo is owned by Google, like Android Auto. Never mind.
Oh wow. The light changed about ten minutes ago. I better move. Thank God everybody in Arizona is afraid to even honk at laggards like me!