Lucid marketing


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Verified Owner
May 2, 2022
Houston, Texas
Lucid Air Grand Touring
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I was at Beverly Hill afternoon, I saw Lucid Air advertisement first time in underground parking garage on Rodeo drive.

While looking for food in Melrose Avenue, I saw my first Lucid sighting in California.

I live in Upstate NY and have owned an Air since April 2023.

Oftentimes, I’m stopped by passersby who admire it and ask questions about the car, the first being, “Who makes this car?” They say they know about Tesla, but never heard of Lucid.

How is possible that the car is, at this point, such an anomaly?
Same here. Only people I have run into who know about Lucids are Tesla owners (and only those that first purchased years ago).
I live in Upstate NY and have owned an Air since April 2023.

Oftentimes, I’m stopped by passersby who admire it and ask questions about the car, the first being, “Who makes this car?” They say they know about Tesla, but never heard of Lucid.

How is possible that the car is, at this point, such an anomaly?
Almost no mainstream advertising. They seem to want to keep the car a secret.
I see a decent amount of ads on my FB and Instagram feeds.

It would be great to so more all around.

I think a great place is to place ads in airport terminals and maybe even a pop-up display / booth.