One of the issues is that I am not sure how many buyers there are for luxury electric sedans at lucid's price range. In 2022, tesla sold 66k MS + MX, and I think MX outsold the S (according to Q4 about 55-60% MX), which means that they sold only about 26-29k MS globablly, and this includes china where lucid is not in. Being that Lucid is new, if they capture 10-20% of what tesla sells it means they can only sell 2.5-6k Airs, which isn't very many. MB sold 19k EQS cars globally and they are in China as well. Both Tesla and MB (and other legacy makers) have brand recognition, as well. It was easier for tesla to sell the luxury MS when it had no competitors at that price (i.e. sell luxury first to fund the more affordable models) but now with several competitors vying for a small piece of the pie, I think it's challenging.
Unfortunately, when you cut 18% of the workforce (i.e. almost 1 in every 5 employees), there will be cuts in every department, which I am sad/disappointed about. I think this will mean less frequent software updates for us owners and maybe less customer support.
I obviously want lucid to succeed, not just survive and I am generally happy with the car but I think it will struggle with volume. I hope I'm proven wrong though.