Lucid financial


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Verified Owner
Feb 6, 2024
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North East Florida
Air GT, Jaguar Ipace
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I have been getting calls from a business calles ARS business portfolio claiming they are with Bank of America, tha caller ID says lucid finance. I relented once and answered the call and the person on the line demanded that I id myself before telling me what the call was in reference to. obviously the call ended there because I do not divulge any info to a caller. doing a google search on ARS it says that they are a collections company. Why would they be calling me? my account is completely up to data and I have never missed a payment.
Has anyone else been contacted by these people?
I have been getting calls from a business calles ARS business portfolio claiming they are with Bank of America, tha caller ID says lucid finance. I relented once and answered the call and the person on the line demanded that I id myself before telling me what the call was in reference to. obviously the call ended there because I do not divulge any info to a caller. doing a google search on ARS it says that they are a collections company. Why would they be calling me? my account is completely up to data and I have never missed a payment.
Has anyone else been contacted by these people?
In general, when you get any kind of call like this, ask them for their name, title, and an extension to call at the number for Lucid Finance.

If they will not give you a corporate number you can look up, you are likely being scammed.

Alternatively, ask them for an email so you can verify it is them.

It is not “too inconvenient” to keep yourself safe, I promise. Getting scammed is far more inconvenient; trust me.