Lucid customer service experiences


Active Member
Mar 22, 2022
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Seems like there’s quite a bit of variability in terms of experiences forum members have had with Lucid personnel. We tend to hear more of the negative side of things, and certainly there have been (and still ongoing) terrible experiences. But just wanted to review my own journey through the various Lucid touch points, which honestly have been unanimously superb.

I confirmed my GT order in January and shortly thereafter received a call from my DA Faraz to introduce himself and set my expectations for the coming delivery. He was very communicative and responsive throughout the entire period between January to April (responded to every query in a timely fashion with honest useful info). When I took delivery of my vehicle, he helped to facilitate an expedited pick up from the service center because I said I’d be going out of town for a couple weeks and wanted to get my car before I left. Overall, I felt Faraz was an excellent DA.

At the Costa Mesa service center, the service representatives were all thorough and professional and the delivery hand off was perfect. I couldn’t make it to the service center until very late in the evening but they stayed behind just so I could pick up my car. Chris from the service center has continued to be very responsive to any issues I’ve had since delivery. I’m able to text and call him whenever I want and he typically responds within a day or two, and usually immediately.

But the real gems have been the mobile service technicians. I’ve had the extreme pleasure of being helped by Chris and Frank who service the San Diego area and they are amongst the most superb service individuals I have ever met in any industry. Although I’ve only had to engage them a few times, each time has been such a delightful experience that it just really deserves mentioning. Both of them are so thorough in how they go about servicing the vehicle and always go above and beyond to make sure everything is done absolutely perfectly. They represent Lucid extremely well and I couldn’t be happier with their service. Really bravo to the Lucid mobile service team.

I’ve occasionally had to call the customer care line as well, and every single individual I’ve interacted with on that line has been helpful and a positive experience.

Obviously, my experience doesn’t represent everyone’s and experiences to date don’t mean that they will always be this good. But just thought it deserved mention because I’ve been really impressed by all my interactions with Lucid personnel up to this point, and especially the mobile service team.
+1 on Faraz, he was my DA too. Actually he was the DA for at least 5 other DE owners.
+1 on Faraz, he was my DA too. Actually he was the DA for at least 5 other DE owners.
Couldn’t agree more. Faraz was my reassigned DA and got a much better experience from him
Same here with Faraz...and I only ordered a GT, so he's just as solid with us commoners ;).
Couldn’t agree more. Faraz was my reassigned DA and got a much better experience from him
I have a different experience with Faraz. He was reassigned to me (did not ask for the reassignment, I just happened) but he has completely AWOL when it comes to updates and delays to the timeline. He is not proactive. The only times I have talked to him was when I initiated. If the process goes smoothly, like @Demosthenes confirming in January, delivery 3 months later in April, any of these DAs would be satisfactory. So I have no doubt you guys were fine with him. When there are issues and delays, proactive communication about the delay and what is causing it would be appreciated. Faraz has done neither. I have asked for weekly updates, as I did with my previous DA even if just to say, “no changes, everything is on track with the previous week”. Neither DA has dropped me a weekly update wither by phone or email. My last communication from him on the status was an email reply to me on 5/10 with this:

“As of right now, we are still very much on track to deliver the car within 2-6 weeks of when we provided your VIN.

I will be sure to keep you apprised and will reach out when I am informed that your Grand Touring has completed production and left the factory.”

That was almost 4 weeks ago. Commicating with him has been an exercise in futility. A proper DA would have told me that they will miss that deadline he reiterated almost 4 weeks ago and what was happening. Confirmed in November. “Color choice will not affect delivery timeline” was finally admitted to be wrong when no greys and silvers were produced. They were still telling me the 2-4 month delivery timeline would be met three months into it. They were telling me in late March to expect an April 11th VIN date which was delayed until finally issued 4/26. They said 2-6 weeks post VIN for delivery, but we have been getting faster and since you are in SoCal so it should be on the earlier end such as 2-4 weeks. Go ahead and start your loan because ‘I have never had a delivery take more than 30 days post VIN.” I’m now at the end of the 2-6 weeks and as far as I know, my car is still “in production” at Casa Grande. I have stopped my inquires just to see how long it will take him to send me an update. Crickets. I’m sorry, but I am not impressed with Faraz.
@Sandvinsd yeah it’s a real shame that your experience has not been up to par. Part of my smooth experience was undoubtedly due to the lucky fact that I ordered a spec that never ran into major delays involving exterior paint, interior choice, or wheels. But I also don’t want to take my smooth experience for granted and a part of it was the excellent service experiences I’ve had thus far with Lucid personnel.
Seems like there’s quite a bit of variability in terms of experiences forum members have had with Lucid personnel. We tend to hear more of the negative side of things, and certainly there have been (and still ongoing) terrible experiences. But just wanted to review my own journey through the various Lucid touch points, which honestly have been unanimously superb.

I confirmed my GT order in January and shortly thereafter received a call from my DA Faraz to introduce himself and set my expectations for the coming delivery. He was very communicative and responsive throughout the entire period between January to April (responded to every query in a timely fashion with honest useful info). When I took delivery of my vehicle, he helped to facilitate an expedited pick up from the service center because I said I’d be going out of town for a couple weeks and wanted to get my car before I left. Overall, I felt Faraz was an excellent DA.

At the Costa Mesa service center, the service representatives were all thorough and professional and the delivery hand off was perfect. I couldn’t make it to the service center until very late in the evening but they stayed behind just so I could pick up my car. Chris from the service center has continued to be very responsive to any issues I’ve had since delivery. I’m able to text and call him whenever I want and he typically responds within a day or two, and usually immediately.

But the real gems have been the mobile service technicians. I’ve had the extreme pleasure of being helped by Chris and Frank who service the San Diego area and they are amongst the most superb service individuals I have ever met in any industry. Although I’ve only had to engage them a few times, each time has been such a delightful experience that it just really deserves mentioning. Both of them are so thorough in how they go about servicing the vehicle and always go above and beyond to make sure everything is done absolutely perfectly. They represent Lucid extremely well and I couldn’t be happier with their service. Really bravo to the Lucid mobile service team.

I’ve occasionally had to call the customer care line as well, and every single individual I’ve interacted with on that line has been helpful and a positive experience.

Obviously, my experience doesn’t represent everyone’s and experiences to date don’t mean that they will always be this good. But just thought it deserved mention because I’ve been really impressed by all my interactions with Lucid personnel up to this point, and especially the mobile service team.
Can I get Chris's number - I feel like that is who we started with, but I am thinking that was the name of the sales guy at the show room. For our DA we got turned over to Airel, she was good until delivery of our car then MIA, started with a guy named William, he said he ordered our parts and that is all I can seem to get from him. It's been pretty discouraging. I have spoken to several people who answered the phone for customer service, but I would like to have a "go-to" person to get us through the initial issues.
Can I get Chris's number - I feel like that is who we started with, but I am thinking that was the name of the sales guy at the show room. For our DA we got turned over to Airel, she was good until delivery of our car then MIA, started with a guy named William, he said he ordered our parts and that is all I can seem to get from him. It's been pretty discouraging. I have spoken to several people who answered the phone for customer service, but I would like to have a "go-to" person to get us through the initial issues.
Which location are you at?
Frank services San Diego county. if you live in the county, customer care will contact Costa Mesa who will contact Frank. I have usually ended up through Will at Costa Mesa after the customer care phone call on the issues and then he makes the appointment with Frank who fixes it. Frank is excellent at the service end.
I was replying to


the OP - he said he had good luck with Chris at Costa Mesa - :)
I would call Costa Mesa and ask for the service manager. Then either (s)he can be the SPOC or their delegate. Understand that some parts are difficult to get. It's the same story across the industry. My daughter's 2021 Toyota is in the body shop and they told her that if certain parts are required, it could be months before they get the parts. So the Lucid service writer might order the parts but there might not be an ETA for the parts.

Also, once the car is delivered, the DA is done so no surprise
I have been having a terrible service experience. I live in suburbs of NYC and have 2200m on my GT. Love the car but both key fobs stopped working and even though they have new fobs it’s been a month and no replacement service has been scheduled. In the mean time I blew a 21” tire on a pot hole 2 weeks ago and my service person has did not respond until days after and even now I have gotten no response for the last 4 days. He says he has a tire and sent to the local techs, but still waiting. Haven’t driven it in 2 weeks. I would have just had my local mechanic replace the tire and would have been done with it, but Lucid said they would replace.
I would thing Lucid would be trying very hard to have perfect service for obvious reasons and so far it has been terrible for me.
I contacted Customer service and on Friday they responded they would “escalate“ the matter. Still have not heard from anyone.
Is it the batteries or the fobs? Can you use the mobile key in the meantime? Can they ship the tire to a local installer?
I tried the batteries. I just got the car 3m ago and both are out so assume it’s an issue w the fob tech. They seemed to think it was faulty fobs so ordered new ones and I guess the tech has to come set up. I would think if they sent me the tire I could do that, but my service rep said he would have the techs come to me.
I contacted Customer service and on Friday they responded they would “escalate“ the matter. Still have not heard from anyone.
FWIW Customer Care "escalated" one of my issues to Service on November 11th...and I still haven't heard from Service.

EDIT: Which is to say I gather that if Service is understaffed, it may take more to make something happen, if possible.