Lane Departure Intervention... Ugghh


New Member
Aug 5, 2022
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So I recently got the GT and have looked forward to driving along the twisting roads where I live, only problem is that the Lane Departure intervention keeps bumping my car around and messing up my driving lines. I like having the visual warning but that is all I want. Do not want to turn it off b/c I hate seeing the indicator on my display. I have called Lucid and asked for an appropriate software update. It interferes with the spirit of a sporty drive on empty roads. Am I alone re: this annoyance?
So I recently got the GT and have looked forward to driving along the twisting roads where I live, only problem is that the Lane Departure intervention keeps bumping my car around and messing up my driving lines. I like having the visual warning but that is all I want. Do not want to turn it off b/c I hate seeing the indicator on my display. I have called Lucid and asked for an appropriate software update. It interferes with the spirit of a sporty drive on empty roads. Am I alone re: this annoyance?

There was a previous thread on this, so yeah, it's definitely an annoyance. It's definitely better with the update but not enough. I've turned it off and just gotten used to the yellow light. Better to have that than to have phantom jerking of the wheel. I've asked Lucid to have an option for "warning only" rather than "intervention only." No word on whether that'll become a reality.
There was a previous thread on this, so yeah, it's definitely an annoyance. It's definitely better with the update but not enough. I've turned it off and just gotten used to the yellow light. Better to have that than to have phantom jerking of the wheel. I've asked Lucid to have an option for "warning only" rather than "intervention only." No word on whether that'll become a reality.
I asked for the same enhancement as well. Fingers crossed. Thanks!
The 2014 M5 was just a bit of a warning and I did not mind that. I turned it off on the the GT. I do not mind a light vibration, or warning, but to actually drive for me, not what I am interested in. The problem is compounded by the warning being audible to everyone in the car, so my wife wants to know why I am not staying in my lane (three lane road with middle for turning) and I have to explain to her that I am avoiding the potholes in that section of road because I am worried about a flat tire. None of that is really good.
So I recently got the GT and have looked forward to driving along the twisting roads where I live, only problem is that the Lane Departure intervention keeps bumping my car around and messing up my driving lines. I like having the visual warning but that is all I want. Do not want to turn it off b/c I hate seeing the indicator on my display. I have called Lucid and asked for an appropriate software update. It interferes with the spirit of a sporty drive on empty roads. Am I alone re: this annoyance?
I agree with your issues with lane departure as I see the same things in my GT
I asked for the same enhancement as well. Fingers crossed. Thanks!
That is what I did/do on my DD. Left the warning on but turned off the lane changer. One of the annoying things my DD would do if I left it on was to what to turn me into a highway exit as the right lane painting turned into an exit!
The lane departure take-over was really problematic for me during some heavy rain recently, as it seemed to read the clear patches made by the car ahead of me which was a larger pickup truck as lane markers, and it kept pulling me back and forth. And yeah if you try to avoid a pot-hole the LKA will pull you back towards it, just not as aggressively as earlier software updates. I still do leave it on though as it's easy to correct, and there's been a couple times where it caught me nearly drifting across a line when I was distracted, so the benefit for me is worth the occasional glitchy interventions.

The cross traffic feature however is terrible, because it won't alert-only but also intervenes. I can't back out of my driveway without it slamming on the brakes half the time when I have plenty of room, so I disabled it.
That is what I did/do on my DD. Left the warning on but turned off the lane changer. One of the annoying things my DD would do if I left it on was to what to turn me into a highway exit as the right lane painting turned into an exit!
This actually happened to me yesterday so I turned off LKA. Now that orange warning ⚠ sign of not having it on is kind of annoys me in the center of dash board. I will go back to it on eventually.
I hate that glowing yellow indicator but have learned to ignore it....Warning only would be great...
I hate that glowing yellow indicator but have learned to ignore it....Warning only would be great...
It used to be super bright and right in the middle. At least it’s dimmer and down at the bottom now.
engineers who design Czech engine lights hate this simple trick!
It might be my imagination, but I think Lane Departure is getting better. It seems like it's trying to kill me less often. It used to be that it often tried to aggressively steer the car into turn lanes and such, but I swear that's happening way less often. Maybe there was some bug fix quietly included in the most recent update?
I really dislike the departure warning feature. The main road by my house is undergoing major construction and they are changing lane configuration daily with cones. The car is certain I am veering into and out of lanes. Very annoying.
Turned it off a month after owning the vehicle. I don't really even notice the warning light anymore.
I really dislike the departure warning feature. The main road by my house is undergoing major construction and they are changing lane configuration daily with cones. The car is certain I am veering into and out of lanes. Very annoying.
I have a similar situation. The main road by my house has a bunch of potholes and/or repairs on one side of the road, so I end up straddling the middle turn lane to avoid that area. Car either doesn't want me doing that or just enjoys living on the edge and braving the bumps/blown tires. I turned it off after the first week.