Lane centering anomalies


Active Member
Verified Owner
Apr 8, 2022
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Bay Area, California
Air GT
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Lately, when I have highway assist active, lane keeping stops working with no warning when traffic slows down and kicks back in at and above 47 mph. I forgot the exact speed where it stops working but it's consistent. Is anybody else seeing it, or know what's causing it?
I experienced the same thing driving from Northern Virginia to Northern New Jersey.

Many times on the Turmpike, 95 and 495 the steering wheel icon would just disappear and lane keeping just stops and then resumes a few seconds later.
Sometimes I would have to manually put the car back in its lane for the lane keeping to reengage.
Once I didn't notice that it had turned off until I was a foot or two into the other lane. Didn't matter if the road was straight or going around a curve.

Highway assist never turned off.

I have Lane Departure Protection turned off as I find it very annoying, but this shouldn't be part of the Highway assist.
Take those issues to service.
@BillHartman67 - I commute on 495 every day. Just used HA there this morning with no issues. Back in April I drove all the way up to northern Vermont using HA for most of the freeway sections, it never just disengaged like that unless the lanes were actually confusing or something. It does have issues with cresting hills where it can't see down the other side, but there's none (or at least very little) of that on the major freeways here.
haven’t noticed it lately.

Not sure if the software updates and reboots didn’t cure my issue?
haven’t noticed it lately.

Not sure if the software updates and reboots didn’t cure my issue?
I likely had intermittent problems with it before it stopped working consistently. It wouldn't have made it to a customer if it hadn't been working initially so it's a question of when it went bad. I did see messages in the car about Lidar in the past, and unfortunately the Lucid doesn't keep a history of such messages for a user to review.

I've had other cars where a menu item would show me error messages and I could clear them manually except for the ones that said that service is required. With the Lucid, I've gotten messages that service is required but they don't stay on the screen. Short of knowing the date and time, it's not easy for Lucid to find them.