I've searched the forum for an answer to my question, but haven't found one.
Also checked to make sure I hadn't already asked it. I know me.
In the event of my death, I do not want my wife or my estate to be responsible for fulfilling a lease agreement.
If I lease a Gravity and pass away during the lease term, I'm thinking the balance due on the lease agreement becomes the responsiblity of my estate (i.e. my wife or my designated estate administrator if my wife has also passed).
My credit union offers credit insurance on car loans.
The insurance covers any loan balance in the event of my death.
No liability to my wife or estate.
I don't see where BoA offers such credit insurance for a financed car, so I'm guessing the same is true for a lease agreement.
Anyone know for certain?
Does BoA reclaim a leased car upon the death of the leasee?