how the lidar looks


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Feb 6, 2024
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North East Florida
Air GT, Jaguar Ipace
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I recently tried to add a laser jammer to the car and it is incompatible with the Lidar used by the car for it's assisted driving features,

here is an infared picture of what it looks like

This raises an interesting question. As more and more cars get Lidar, will both jammers and detectors essentially become useless because of all the Lidars in cars. Or, will the manufacturers of the equipment be able to filter out the Lidar signals without interfering with the ability to read others.
This raises an interesting question. As more and more cars get Lidar, will both jammers and detectors essentially become useless because of all the Lidars in cars. Or, will the manufacturers of the equipment be able to filter out the Lidar signals without interfering with the ability to read others.
first off there is no issue with radar, which are radio waves, not light.
apparently the Lucid lidar and the ALP unit operate on the exact same light spectrum, of which there are many to use, one or the other could adjust their units in order to not conflict with each other.