Hold steering wheel warning


New Member
Sep 4, 2024
Reaction score
Lucid air GT
I am holding the wheel and I am trying all sorts of pressure and movement but the warning just don’t go away and it’s annoying cos you don’t know if that will shut down the vehicle in the middle of the highway.
How can I get rid of this issue?
It's a torque sensor. All you have to do is turn the wheel just a little bit, until you feel some resistance, and that warning should go away immediately. If you hold that pressure it will rarely if ever flash the warning again. If that isn't working you may need to have a sensor adjusted by service.

For what it's worth it's not going to just shut down on you. You'll get a much louder scarier warning eventually, you'll still have time to take over, and then if you do nothing it will begin to slow down.
Place a hand or just a few fingers on the bottom right or left hand corner of the wheel and the warning won't come up (as much). Works best for me on Smooth mode for some reason.
ugh, those warnings are the worst. I get so paranoid about the car shutting down. @segbrk, thanks for explaining that it won't just stop suddenly - that's a relief! Still annoying though.