highway assist disengaged


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Verified Owner
May 20, 2024
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Northern NJ
Air GT, Honda S2K AP1
v2.2.4, HA was engaged and driving well, including a few lane changes. Out of the blue, HA disengaged with a red error message (I don't recall the specifics, it wasn't on screen for very long, and I was driving at that point). From that point on, HA would not come up as an option....the only choice was Adaptive Cruise, despite being on an interstate where I have used HA without issue in the past.

Customer Care noted the issue and asked me to let them know if it happens again, however, they weren't interested in pulling the logs to find out what happened in this instance.

There were no sensor errors or persistent warnings. It was completely out of the blue. It was an issue because the car started braking hard (high regen) since my foot wasn't on the throttle. I took over, obviously, as quickly as possible, but RIP anyone who was following close behind (nobody in this case, mercifully). Additionally, had this happened while taking a corner, it would've been even more startling and could've easily ended up in a lane departure, or a trip into the shoulder, depending on driver reaction time.

@mcr16 given that a red error message showed up (something along the lines of "Highway Assist canceled," but with a bit more detail), it sounds like the required constraints for HA engagement were no longer met, hence the system dropped out, leaving HA unavailable for the remainder of the drive, despite the issue not being associated with any specific sensor outage (otherwise I would've been an error along those lines).

Has anyone come across this before?
I have had this happen twice. I believe the red error message says driver assist ended but like you the message does not display long enough to read when you are driving. It is very startling when it occurs. Unlike you I was able to re-engage it after it happened.
v2.2.4, HA was engaged and driving well, including a few lane changes. Out of the blue, HA disengaged with a red error message (I don't recall the specifics, it wasn't on screen for very long, and I was driving at that point). From that point on, HA would not come up as an option....the only choice was Adaptive Cruise, despite being on an interstate where I have used HA without issue in the past.

Customer Care noted the issue and asked me to let them know if it happens again, however, they weren't interested in pulling the logs to find out what happened in this instance.

There were no sensor errors or persistent warnings. It was completely out of the blue. It was an issue because the car started braking hard (high regen) since my foot wasn't on the throttle. I took over, obviously, as quickly as possible, but RIP anyone who was following close behind (nobody in this case, mercifully). Additionally, had this happened while taking a corner, it would've been even more startling and could've easily ended up in a lane departure, or a trip into the shoulder, depending on driver reaction time.

@mcr16 given that a red error message showed up (something along the lines of "Highway Assist canceled," but with a bit more detail), it sounds like the required constraints for HA engagement were no longer met, hence the system dropped out, leaving HA unavailable for the remainder of the drive, despite the issue not being associated with any specific sensor outage (otherwise I would've been an error along those lines).

Has anyone come across this before?
I don't recall that kind of sudden loss of HA prior to this version for the past 2 years. With this current one, it has happened quite often. I assume it's just a bug and subsequent versions will make it as reliable as previous versions.
I’m still on 2.4.2. Not particularly anxious to get 2.4.4 or whatever the latest iteration is.

A week ago, starting my 140 mile drive to work, I couldn’t engage HA at all. Every once in a while upon attempting to engage, the steering wheel icon on the instrument panel would highlight momentarily but grey out again. In any case I couldn’t engage HA.

Four days later, on the 140 mile return drive home, the moment I hit the freeway and engaged HA, it activated right away, working flawlessly along with automatic lane changing, the whole way home.

I have to drive to work again tonight. Who knows if I’ll get HA again?
I don't understand the question.
It took me almost a year to figure out how to avoid / turn-off HA when all I wanted was AC. The display is hidden behind the top of the steering wheel, I guess because the "LUCID AIR" logo is critical driver info?. HA seemed to be the default mode such that I could not avoid it. It tries to take every exit off the PA Turnpike, against my will, and tries to jerk the wheel out of my hands. I have to duck below (can't see the road now) to see it and can't seem to turn it off. I absolutely hate it. After two years of ownership I can mostly avoid it...but can't delete it. Even the concept of "self-driving cars " boils my brain. I have to wonder if Skynet is behind this. Someday a terrorist group will take control of all the self-driving cars ...

hey ... do you think TSA will make us leave our phones at home before we fly? I mean, a terrorist group can make them explode and bring down a plane ... no electronic device is safe from terrorists after what happened in Lebanon with the pagers / radios. Time to short airline stocks.

My car has been in the shop for months (deer season in PA) so I've missed the last few updates. Is it "less bad" now ?

Anyway it was a "joke".
With version 2.4.2, the cruise bugs also happen. I used to be able to set the cruise fine but as pictured below, the cruise can't detect the real car in front but when that car moves away, the system still detects that car but only for the purpose of warning "Traffic cleared" for me to move the car forward to catch up with the traffic. It's not the sensor problem. As usual, I think the bugs will be fixed soon.
Tam ... do you have a camera in your navel?

I have never seen the top of the driver display before! It looks like it says "Adaptive Cruse"?

It would be fantastic if I could see that part of the dash!


Deer ran into me 100 meters from home. There are millions of deer in SE PA alone. I'd take a photo from my driver position but my car is in the shop
for a decade or two. See how much damage there is? Anyone wanta guess how much this will cost. Here is what was next to me at the Lucid recommended repair shop:
yes they did an Enzo !

Does Lucid offer a "Rhino Package" ?
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Tam ... do you have a camera in your navel?

I have never seen the top of the driver display before! It looks like it says "Adaptive Cruse"?

It would be fantastic if I could see that part of the dash!
No camera on the belly button: only navel ring.

The camera is implanted on the chest 🤣.

Yes. The ADAS in the city is "Adaptive Cruise."

For highways, the label "Highway Assist" would be at that location.

Maybe you are not sitting at a low angle in order to see those 2 labels (1 visible at a time) at the top of the dashboard.

Sorry to hear about the deer accident. The car held up well with only a few minor dents. Good luck!
v2.2.4, HA was engaged and driving well, including a few lane changes. Out of the blue, HA disengaged with a red error message (I don't recall the specifics, it wasn't on screen for very long, and I was driving at that point). From that point on, HA would not come up as an option....the only choice was Adaptive Cruise, despite being on an interstate where I have used HA without issue in the past.

Customer Care noted the issue and asked me to let them know if it happens again, however, they weren't interested in pulling the logs to find out what happened in this instance.

There were no sensor errors or persistent warnings. It was completely out of the blue. It was an issue because the car started braking hard (high regen) since my foot wasn't on the throttle. I took over, obviously, as quickly as possible, but RIP anyone who was following close behind (nobody in this case, mercifully). Additionally, had this happened while taking a corner, it would've been even more startling and could've easily ended up in a lane departure, or a trip into the shoulder, depending on driver reaction time.

@mcr16 given that a red error message showed up (something along the lines of "Highway Assist canceled," but with a bit more detail), it sounds like the required constraints for HA engagement were no longer met, hence the system dropped out, leaving HA unavailable for the remainder of the drive, despite the issue not being associated with any specific sensor outage (otherwise I would've been an error along those lines).

Has anyone come across this before?
I received this error yesterday. I had updated to 2.4.4 Tuesday night and everything worked great. I was able to test lane change and it was seamless. But half a mile before the exit HA disengaged and regen kicked in. Thankfully there were no cars close by and I was able to accelerate. I didn't try to engage HA since I was almost at my destination.

When driving back last evening lane change never activated (it was 60 mile drive). Does the calibration need to happen every time we engage HA? Also when the traffic ground to a halt even for a few seconds it asked me to press the accelerator / turn the nob when vehicle in front of me moved. I thought this release the auto-reuse (Extended Stop and Go). But in my case it felt it did not resume even if traffic was stopped for a few seconds

Overall love the improvements and hopefully some of these kinks get ironed out soon
I received this error yesterday. I had updated to 2.4.4 Tuesday night and everything worked great. I was able to test lane change and it was seamless. But half a mile before the exit HA disengaged and regen kicked in. Thankfully there were no cars close by and I was able to accelerate. I didn't try to engage HA since I was almost at my destination.
I am now trained to be more prepared and ready to press the accelerator whenever there's an unexpected disengagement.

When driving back last evening lane change never activated (it was 60 mile drive). Does the calibration need to happen every time we engage HA?
Not sure. That depends on how the fixing update firmware is written and might require recalibration once for the update but not for every HA usage.
Also when the traffic ground to a halt even for a few seconds it asked me to press the accelerator / turn the nob when vehicle in front of me moved. I thought this release the auto-reuse (Extended Stop and Go). But in my case it felt it did not resume even if traffic was stopped for a few seconds
Correct. I only read that it's now auto-go after a highway complete stop while on HA/cruise but that never happens in my experience. It's a bug of a missing feature.

Overall love the improvements, and hopefully, some of these kinks get ironed out soon
Me too. It's nice to see progress despite some bugs.
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